I have the rare previledge of disposing the garbage of the house. Its quite interesting. Bit of a workout though. This is pretty growse, Ladies - keep out, Gentlemen - might be able to gather some valuable tips, Sloths - FOOD for thought(I mean it !!)
We have a small concrete structure at the backyard. We call it the "Garbee" Its abt 2x2x4 (feet) with a 1x1 (feet) opening on the top and a small outlet at the bottom. The garbage (excluding Polythene, Paper etc..) goes in and then a layer of soil is loaded. These layers of garbage and soil after a couple of months become very good fertilizer for plants. Simple stuff. The fertilizer can be taken out from the small outlet.
Best part is when I load the dirt inside the Garbee. wow !! I have to put it in, then flatten it, kinda stirring the soup !! You find evrything there.... egg shells, fish bones, rotten rice, tea leaves, coconut, mmm yumm... heaps of flies, panuwas, karapoththas, catterpillars, centepedes. fooof !! Sometimes, one or two cockroaches land on my face with the food left overs they have rescued. When you stirr it and try to flatten it the juice from the previous day's garbage pops out. Looks a bit like Black Current Jelly. Occasionaly I find some damn idiot has put polythene or paper into the dump. So, I pull them out with my bare hands. (was too lazy to buy a pair of gloves) I can get the awsome aromas of the various ingredients. I tell myself Body Shop must be smelling like this. (Never been there, never seen a board or a label for that matter, heard somewhere the word and what it is about)
Sometimes I call up my sister to guard the kitchen door while I throw the dirt. I always make it a point to call her when she's having dinner. Haha no better way to annoy her, if she refuses I go with the dirt baskets near her table. Match Over !! I've been told by some of my cousins to apply to the Municipal Council for a Job. My Father also tells incase my sole aim of climbing coconut trees goes for a six maybe this will help. (During school days, the hopeless, useless bugger I am, I was told, the way I am going Climbing coconut trees will be the only job left for me.)
Anyhow, pretty useful garbage disposal system. I am getting quite used to it. !!