Once I got bored of studying and hooked up the headphones to listen to the Radio. Casey Kasem was on and was talking about The band Sugar Ray. I used to like their music and mark Mark McGrath's Hair do. Cool stuff !! Anyway, Casey was goin on about how one of the Girlfreinds of a guitarist (of Sugar Ray) went to meet a Psychic and he said that she was dating a guy from a band and they would have only one hit and then fade away. Taken up by this the band took up the challenge to prove the Psychic wrong and they did. With a string of Hits after their Hit single "Fly". Aparantly the song was a hit on America's TOP 40 some of years ago.
There goes another prediction. For all you people who are scared and feel no hope because of Psychic preditions, Take That for a change. Start looking on the bright side of things. For all the Psychic Freaks out there, GO Mark.... JAM it Dude !!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The General

I cannot refrain from mentioning that this post in no means spurs up the hype for the situation in the country. It is not my view that we should go for War. I accept I am in no position to decide on that. If we had resources, allies, equipment and training like the Israelis it would have been a different story. The root cause of the conflict needs to be eliminated. Or else it would continue for a couple of generations more !!
Image Source : Wiki
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I Draw BLOOD !!

I figured out there are large holes in my mosquito net. Felt too lazy to patch them up. These days my fan is also broken. So its a barbecue time for the mosquitoes. (Gets quite warm in the noight if it doesn't rain) Lucky I did not get any mosquitoe related illness these days. But got Dengue twice in my school days. Once it got a bit worse but it couldn't kill me. I remember being in hospital having my Radio Alarm Clock with me. Those days Jon Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" was very popular and I played it full blast in hospital. The nurse comes and asks "mallee prashnayakde ??" (you'v got a problem bro ??) I point to the radio meaning I want my life back and get out of Hospital. Actually those days part of me said that. But another part of me said I want to stay some time more in Hospital to keep looking at these lovely nurses.
Fooof ! need to repair fan and patch up the mosquitoe net. Otherwise I'll end in Hospital again. Forget about the nurses there is a lot of work to be done. Have to get on with it. Used to play that mosquito squashing Flash game. Now I do it automatic. He Heeh !! But no blood on Halloween. Buggers seem to be missing. Wonder why ?? Party of their own I guess.
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