Saturday, December 30, 2006

sleepin with Whi - s - key

What a way to end the year. Poof !! Today, one of my dad's friend’s daughter is tyin the knot. Last night we went to their house and brought a load of liquor for the wedding and kept it at our place. The dude trusts us (my dad and …yeah me) for some reason to keep the lot at our place. There were bytes as well. Since there is a Rat in pantry section, the bottles and bytes were kept in my room, and dad wanted them to be kept under my bed for extra safety. Whoa !! I slept with 9 Bottles of 1 Litre RED LABEL and a 1 Litre Champagne bottle. My father was scared of thieves breakin in. Only thing forgot to get scared of was me doing a way with one or two or me breaking a bed pole and falling over the bottles in my sleep.

However, the bottles were safe under my bed through the night. I informed True Maniac about this who wanted me Blog about it. Too bad I cannot put up a pic of all this. I wouldn't be able to finish a quater of a bottle. Damn !! So was thinkin of having my friends or the blogger topperrrs over here. heh heh !!. However, I am not invited for the wedding. Hahahaha !!!!

Thoughts of gate-crashing, but no need. Most of the people know me and that I’m not invited. So too dangerous !! Some guys I know love gate-crashing. Some go to weddings and if liquor is not served, the go to another wedding in the same hotel, fill their tanks and comes back to the correct wedding for the dinner. Well the wedding is goin on while I’m posting this. Hope the topperrrs are making merry….

There’s also this problem of the new Legislation regarding smoking in public places. The smokers are not sure whether they are allowed to smoke or not in the Hotel. There had been many cases where the Police had filed cases against many people smoking in public but the case was dropped because the cops could not prove it was a public place. There are also cases of security officers allowing a puff (in prohibited places) while they where also gifted with a few Cigarettes. Man, what a life !! Any way no problem in Sri Lanka !!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Noh I'm NOT.... errr yeah kinda

Everytime I hop into Nolimit (used to be French Corner), House of Fashions or Arpico Super Center I'm always taken for an in-house sales guy. Dammit !! Some people come an ask where to find the trouser, how much is this, how much is that. Some, I politely turn away but for others "I don't work here Dammit !!" Maybe coz most of the time I go after work. Also I've realized on most of the occassions, I've been wearing Light Blue shirt and Dark Blue Pants. Shit !! Its no where near the sales guy's uniform though.

Its a different story at Cargills. Once I went with my Family memebers. The Huge Cook, Boxer, Bouncer or Butler looking man at the door normally brings his hands together and greets saying "Ayubowan". He greeted evreybody including my sister but not me. Maybe coz I was in a pair of shorts and Rubber Slippers and rotating the car keys round my fingers, also I went in last. Natural impression would be to take me as .... yeah the driverrrr.. Anyway I was looking very shabby and ragged. (as always !!) After that, evrytime I go to Cargills Big City that bugger doesen't greet me. (maybe remebering that I'm the driver Kolla.) Who cares. all the sales girls give me nice smiles and greet me when go to the counter. still who cares... I don't !! hahaha.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Excellent Stuff !!

Got a chance to see or listen to "The Saints Are Coming" by the best band in the world - U2 !! teaming up with Green Day ??
Awsum stuff !! Maximum !! Cool Video, meaningful.

And then, the reunited Take That. But Alas, no Robbie !! However, the reunion song "Patience" is quite good. They haven't seem to have lost their knack.

check 'em our here and here

U2 ROCKS !! so does Green Day & Take That !!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

B - L - A - N - K      take that !!

I Love this look !! The blank look. NO emotions wot-so-eva !! I perfected it over coupla months. It drives people crazy. I mean they don't know what to make out of my expression. It comes real handy when dealing with people. It helps me to control my emotions and deal with it peacefully and in a logical manner later. From office people to bus conductors to random strangers and even family memebers are foxed and become defunct and become totally helpless.

Whoa !! I'm gonna do this all the time. Still didn't get bitch-slapped or kick-boxed for doing it. I really like it when girls don't know what to make out of it. Normally they read people very well. Some times I mix it with a Gal Look to chase off trouble from unwanted company. Lets see how it goes. I don't think its a good idea to put a picture of my face with the Blank Look because, for the blogger world who knows me in such a way, would have a terrible time with unstoppable laughter !!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Phew.... I barely managed to Answer

I was tagged by arrrrgg GRRR… Darwin for this movie quiz. I’m telling ya I have watched only a handful. So I had to do lots of background to come up with some sorta could be called decent answers.

1. Popcorn or Candy - Nothing.

2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever - The God Father

3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: who loses theirs and to whom – I just didn’t care to remember who won and for wot.

4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. Which will it be? - Would steal a Pilot’s Uniform. Darwin… Me not have feelings for Fighter Pilots like you say. Go dribble with sluggish worms and scratch the earth for microscopic entities. Haha

5. Invite 5 movie people over for dinner, who are they? What would you feed them? – I’ll invite Robert Patrick, Harrison Ford, Martin Lawrence Now we need some lovely ladies don’t we ? Helen Hunt, Angelina Jolie.. I’d make them fight for the food. Winner takes it all.
I’d giv the men a B.B.Q. and the Ladies…..Fish Kottu. Drinks. Ahh They should Taste our stuff - Old Reserve

6. Your favorite film franchise is: errr… well errrr….

7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theatre? Use a frequency Jammer. Solves the problem once and for all.

8. Choose a female bodyguard – Jennifer Garner. She will guard the whole body, I mean it. haha.

9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? – ahhh…. I don’t remember a scary thing. Must start watching Horror stuff. Well. From the handful I’ve watched somethings dat scared one or two of my furr was Anaconda n I know what you did last summer. Pretty lame huh wot the hell 2 do ??

10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) – Realistic War, Mobster, Gangster Movies also meaningful ones.

11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? – I’ll shoot the Red and Amber lights. Bring on the Violence with a bit of humour.

12. Bonnie or Clyde - ...Bonnie ??... Clyde ??.. who put it in ??

Guess I'm in a SSS (Sorry Sad State) when it comes to movies. I'll tag SpectralCentroid and Lady Divine.