Ever heard a Cow howl in agony for the loss of her calf ?? That’s something I just cannot bare. Coupla days before, similar thing happened. There’s a repairing of a culvert going on close to my place. Throughout the night, with the aid of Spots illuminating the whole area, work goes on. The “BRRRRR” sound of the generator and the noise of the trucks are deafening at times. One night I heard a different noise. I knew it, yes it was a cow.
This time, it had lost its way. Since the construction is going on no one can cross that area. Only a dangerous, one foot wide pathway is available for people to carefully walk by. This innocent creature was searching for the road which treads on so frequently, not aware of the construction, or the existence of the small pathway, the entrance to which was partially blocked by a huge truck.
I dunno what happened afterwards. I sincerely hope it found its way using another road. Who knows it must’v been hungry and wanted to get home, or worst case, looking for the calf. There was no way someone could guide it through the narrow pathway, or ask it, what the problem was. Have we created hell for animals who are equal owners of the earth. Only difference I know is that Human Beings have a conscience.