What an year its been. Can't believe its ending. Finally managed to get my Annual Leave approved. Have 15 Left. Yet I only got 11 due to tight deadlines and work schedule. Ideally should have utilized the Leave to study for the Exam but ended up getting them only at the year end. (to eat and sleep I guess..)
Well, something I wanted to Blog about for some time. Ever heard of the myth / fact.... whatever of the 7 Look-alikes ?? Sometimes I take a tuk-tuk from Galle Road to my place. Half way down the Road the bugger turns the wheeler to the Right (to a gravel Road). Then I ask "Koheda Yanney ??" (where the Hell u goin ??) "why you live down that Lane" comes the reply. Then I say "No I Don't, go straight down the main Road" He says "theres someone who looks just like you in that Road". Hmm.... Okay....
A few hundred meters down he turns to the Left. Again, What the hek ?? same story. Another one (Quite close to my place too). Then I get down at my place. He says "Oh so you live here". (Most of the Tuk-shaw (ado I crafted this word Okay...) guys knows me and all my relatives in the area. - ya know I Rock the place....)
I wonder if they mistakenly try to take the other guys to my place. Hope not !! This happens quite often when I take a Tuk-shaw which is relatively new to the area. Even my sis had faced this situ where the Tuk-shaw guy had turned to the road on the Right thinking she lives there. My father also had seen one of these guys and had thought it was me !!
Thought I am the Only one Like me and theres no other.... (thought i was the worst case scenario....:)))) I don't beleive it !!.... Looks like I've got company. In the same road too !! and I've never seen 'em !! 3 outa the 7 livin quite close to me. Wonder where the remaining 4 are....Spooky shit !!