Another coincidence. Man there' so many of 'em. And best part is, another moron is involved. The True Maniac !!
My sister went for a wedding, and she, with a couple of freinds had gone to Barista. (Near Galle Face). I'm in for a suprise when she comes home and tells me "I think I saw .................." (Sloth). Me, suprised "da hell ?? that moron ??". She says, "yeah him with a GUY". Hmm................ Next day I inform him that he's been spotted. Amazed he confesses, admiting he saw a couple of girls, but did not focus on them well. Apparantly, the two of them gone there to play Scrabble !!. Then I tell my sister that I told Sloth that he's been spotted by her. Whoa !! here I am running round the house trying to avoid a beating, the TV Remote and the cover looking lethal all of a sudden. Thank God the broom stick was not to be found.
The next day Sloth pulls me up "Did you tell it was me ??" Me : "Yeah, I did. I almost got killed for telling you."
Hope she doesn't see this.Thank God she's not into blogging or else......... Sloth,......... buddy,............ u owe me an ear." ('Kaney Para kanna wei")
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Bio - Fuel in Sri Lanka
Hahaha Hehehe Hohoho............................
"The Government of Sri Lanka plans to reduce human alcohol consumption and introduce an alcohol and petrol mixture, a type of bio-fuel to run ordinary vehicles - the three wheel Taxies, as a pilot project."........
The trishaws' gonna go gaga. I can imagine them zigzagging and about to topple..... hic ! ... hic !
Read more
"The Government of Sri Lanka plans to reduce human alcohol consumption and introduce an alcohol and petrol mixture, a type of bio-fuel to run ordinary vehicles - the three wheel Taxies, as a pilot project."........
The trishaws' gonna go gaga. I can imagine them zigzagging and about to topple..... hic ! ... hic !
Read more
Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Present
While day dreaming, I remembered some of the funny things that happened in our family. then I forgot some. But I do remember this one.
I remember getting a bottle of Pro Sport Cologne for one of my birthdays. (Thats the standard gift for any male over 15 in our area. I must'v got so many of them. Damn !!)Now there is an uncle (maniac, crazy dude !!) of mine who is our neighbour on the left of house. We went to his B'day and gave him the bottle of Pro Sport to him as a present.
Then there is another uncle (soft spoken, laid back person) who is our neighbour on the right side of our house. He had his B'day. Both these uncles are 'hata panala' (60+). The uncle on the left (maniac) celebrated his B''day agian and apparantely the uncle on the right(soft spoken) had given him a Bottle of Pro Sport Colognge as a present. It so happened to be, that it is the same thing I've given him (mainac), maniac gave softspoken and in turn has got it back. (I remember a specific mark on the bottle and the wrapping paper !!) The bottle of Pro Sport has done a round. Who knows how many rounds it has done before it reached me ??
My maniac uncle recieved another present from me. - a Gillette shaving foam I got from the UK. After about 3 months, when I visit him, he says "umba deepu shaving foam iwarai, geneng thawa ekak" (The shaving foam u gave is over, bring aother one) He'll hav to wait till my next B'day !!
No problem in Sri Lanka !!
I remember getting a bottle of Pro Sport Cologne for one of my birthdays. (Thats the standard gift for any male over 15 in our area. I must'v got so many of them. Damn !!)Now there is an uncle (maniac, crazy dude !!) of mine who is our neighbour on the left of house. We went to his B'day and gave him the bottle of Pro Sport to him as a present.
Then there is another uncle (soft spoken, laid back person) who is our neighbour on the right side of our house. He had his B'day. Both these uncles are 'hata panala' (60+). The uncle on the left (maniac) celebrated his B''day agian and apparantely the uncle on the right(soft spoken) had given him a Bottle of Pro Sport Colognge as a present. It so happened to be, that it is the same thing I've given him (mainac), maniac gave softspoken and in turn has got it back. (I remember a specific mark on the bottle and the wrapping paper !!) The bottle of Pro Sport has done a round. Who knows how many rounds it has done before it reached me ??
My maniac uncle recieved another present from me. - a Gillette shaving foam I got from the UK. After about 3 months, when I visit him, he says "umba deepu shaving foam iwarai, geneng thawa ekak" (The shaving foam u gave is over, bring aother one) He'll hav to wait till my next B'day !!
No problem in Sri Lanka !!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
While making a hole in my brain and pouring the arishtey (magic potion; ingredients: note book, tutorials, short notes)inside(It does hav some magic by assisting me 2 forget everything I'v studied), for the exam, I thought of browsing some student support forums. This is one of the posts I found .
Here's the Topic

Here,s the text

and here's the first reply

I am 99.99% sure the reply was by a Sri Lankan student. Typical.
I hav to say I wud'v said the same thing.
Here's the Topic

Here,s the text

and here's the first reply

I am 99.99% sure the reply was by a Sri Lankan student. Typical.
I hav to say I wud'v said the same thing.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
DAMN NObody !! I HATE it.....
I hate it when something (or more often a series of events) happen, which is NObody's fault but I am at the receiving end. It's like in X-Files. Some ALIEN dude givin u a good run for your life. DAMN NObody !! Its killin me. GO ta HELL !!
Happens all the time. Its too wired
Best part is after couple of hours or a good nap I laugh over it and realize what a fool I'v made of myself. I met a buddy of mine and while joking for a while he told me "machang mathakane... api awilla NAWA GILUNATH BAND CHOONE......."
Then I say "ow bung, ela kiri, ohoma yuuuung......... ohoma yuuuung......."
piece of advice : If any one is going through this situation. Just Calm Daown.... Hold on tight..... Don't lose control (Coz u won't b able to stop laughing at yourself) and.... Keep Goin !! It'll work.
Happens all the time. Its too wired
Best part is after couple of hours or a good nap I laugh over it and realize what a fool I'v made of myself. I met a buddy of mine and while joking for a while he told me "machang mathakane... api awilla NAWA GILUNATH BAND CHOONE......."
Then I say "ow bung, ela kiri, ohoma yuuuung......... ohoma yuuuung......."
piece of advice : If any one is going through this situation. Just Calm Daown.... Hold on tight..... Don't lose control (Coz u won't b able to stop laughing at yourself) and.... Keep Goin !! It'll work.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
What's Your Opinion ??

While browsing I figured out that His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President George W. Bush seem to share share the same Birthday. (Only the day and the month not the year of course) 6th of July. He seem to agree with most of the policies of President Bush. For example the spreading of democracy in Nations. He has openly said that in Peru (to join President Bush in establishing Democracy in Nations.). Especially as the Latin American countries seem to drift to the Left Wing. (Leftist Politics.)
I can't understand why some Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka do not like him. Probably because he is campaining for Autonomy in Tibet. It is somewhat simmilar to the situation in Sri Lanka where the LTTE is asking for self determination. But the are clear differences between each case. May be to be consistent in each case. Or, is it that He is from the Mahayana Nikaya and Sri Lankans are mainly of the Theravada Nikaya. (what I mean is because of the different beliefs in those two Nikayas; No offence, Just trying to understand the situation Please correct me if I am wrong) If a person of such spiritual enlightnement agrees with the President there should be some truth in justifying (at least to a certain extent) some of his actions. (e.g. war in Iraq, Second World War ) Only time will tell whether it was the correct decision. I have to mention that I will never be able to come up with an explanation on justifying the death of all those innocent people.
Yes, I know most people will disagree. It is just an attempt to rationalize the situation. This view can be seriously flawed. Like I said only time will tell. A healthy argument would would be great even a consensus is not reached. After all there is not much we can do about the situation. We should be greatful to who ever or what ever that is responsible for giving us the freedom to Blog! In some countries like China there are so many restrictions. Freedom of speech and living in peace - The results of Democracy !!
Image Source - Wikipedia
Monday, May 08, 2006
So & So's So & So
I've figures out a srtange coincidence. Quite a few of my best freinds' Girlfriends seem to be related to me in some way or the other. Is it that I've got so many lovely cousins ? or is it that all these buggers fish in the same lake ? We need New fish ! Fresh Fish...... Fresh Fish......
Recently, I went for this wedding. I was going to get some water, this beautiful girl calls my name. I thought this can't be happening. She called my name again. When I turned round to see a familiar face. She said I am .....So & So. Another One !! A Girlfriend of one of my best friends. Damn I could not recognize. Then a relative explained that she happened to be So & So's So & So. I happend to be So & So's So & So. Then Her So & So is apparantly the Husband of my So & So and So & So and So & So. phew !!
It doesen't end there. Listening to all this is another aunty who asks "putha oyata thama nadda ?" Then I have to convince her that those are private stuff and all that crap. I can vaugely predict she's tryin to slam her daughter on me. ("aney ammo mata epa !") phew !! Escaped that moment. Have to find a strategy to counter these threats. When I come to my seat all my cousins are waiting to greet me with an "aaaaaaahhhhh who was that? kiyapang kiyapang" and "tell will you". Aiyo... I have to explain the whole thing again.
Never expected this type of things to come my way. Now I have to find a way to deal with it. One way is to portray my self as one stupid asshole. Another would be to tell that I'm taken by some bogus imaginary girl. But that would have repurcussions. Or else, do wut I do best Forget it !!
Recently, I went for this wedding. I was going to get some water, this beautiful girl calls my name. I thought this can't be happening. She called my name again. When I turned round to see a familiar face. She said I am .....So & So. Another One !! A Girlfriend of one of my best friends. Damn I could not recognize. Then a relative explained that she happened to be So & So's So & So. I happend to be So & So's So & So. Then Her So & So is apparantly the Husband of my So & So and So & So and So & So. phew !!
It doesen't end there. Listening to all this is another aunty who asks "putha oyata thama nadda ?" Then I have to convince her that those are private stuff and all that crap. I can vaugely predict she's tryin to slam her daughter on me. ("aney ammo mata epa !") phew !! Escaped that moment. Have to find a strategy to counter these threats. When I come to my seat all my cousins are waiting to greet me with an "aaaaaaahhhhh who was that? kiyapang kiyapang" and "tell will you". Aiyo... I have to explain the whole thing again.
Never expected this type of things to come my way. Now I have to find a way to deal with it. One way is to portray my self as one stupid asshole. Another would be to tell that I'm taken by some bogus imaginary girl. But that would have repurcussions. Or else, do wut I do best Forget it !!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Evolution ?? Howcome ??
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
"Unnath ekai Malath ekai
Athath ekai nathath ekai
api hamada somiye innawa
deiyo dani api nodani
marena dawasa kauru kiyanawa........."
seems to be what's going through some of the Sri Lankans' minds. Certainly goes through my mind. The uncertain days are here again. I get out of the house not knowing whether I will ever see home again. There could be a bomb in the train. But we don't seem to be vigilant about it either. Can't look at all the people in suspence. However, there are moments of peace as well. All dispairs dissappear when we pass, along the rail track, the heavenly abode in Mount, with the see on the other side, not only for me but for many, where you can find solace. It drives the pains away.
Last Friday there was a rumour that there was bomb close to our work place. Nobody including myself seem to be bothered. Everyone was laughing saying " Api mala". There were Army and Police personell with dogs running all over the place. The frequent hearing of the ambulance's siren is back. A man who sat next to me in the bus was telling me "Oya thamai Mahinda Chinthanaya" on hearing couple of ambulances passing by. (I think he was drunk) However I am positive that these times will pass and will not last. But who knows ??
It should not have happened this way.
It should have happened some otherway.
"Adareta ona deyak karanna hakilu
Salli nathath raja wenawalu......."
api hamada somiye innawa
deiyo dani api nodani
marena dawasa kauru kiyanawa........."
seems to be what's going through some of the Sri Lankans' minds. Certainly goes through my mind. The uncertain days are here again. I get out of the house not knowing whether I will ever see home again. There could be a bomb in the train. But we don't seem to be vigilant about it either. Can't look at all the people in suspence. However, there are moments of peace as well. All dispairs dissappear when we pass, along the rail track, the heavenly abode in Mount, with the see on the other side, not only for me but for many, where you can find solace. It drives the pains away.
Last Friday there was a rumour that there was bomb close to our work place. Nobody including myself seem to be bothered. Everyone was laughing saying " Api mala". There were Army and Police personell with dogs running all over the place. The frequent hearing of the ambulance's siren is back. A man who sat next to me in the bus was telling me "Oya thamai Mahinda Chinthanaya" on hearing couple of ambulances passing by. (I think he was drunk) However I am positive that these times will pass and will not last. But who knows ??
It should not have happened this way.
It should have happened some otherway.
"Adareta ona deyak karanna hakilu
Salli nathath raja wenawalu......."
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