While browsing I figured out that His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President George W. Bush seem to share share the same Birthday. (Only the day and the month not the year of course) 6th of July. He seem to agree with most of the policies of President Bush. For example the spreading of democracy in Nations. He has openly said that in Peru (to join President Bush in establishing Democracy in Nations.). Especially as the Latin American countries seem to drift to the Left Wing. (Leftist Politics.)
I can't understand why some Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka do not like him. Probably because he is campaining for Autonomy in Tibet. It is somewhat simmilar to the situation in Sri Lanka where the LTTE is asking for self determination. But the are clear differences between each case. May be to be consistent in each case. Or, is it that He is from the Mahayana Nikaya and Sri Lankans are mainly of the Theravada Nikaya. (what I mean is because of the different beliefs in those two Nikayas; No offence, Just trying to understand the situation Please correct me if I am wrong) If a person of such spiritual enlightnement agrees with the President there should be some truth in justifying (at least to a certain extent) some of his actions. (e.g. war in Iraq, Second World War ) Only time will tell whether it was the correct decision. I have to mention that I will never be able to come up with an explanation on justifying the death of all those innocent people.
Yes, I know most people will disagree. It is just an attempt to rationalize the situation. This view can be seriously flawed. Like I said only time will tell. A healthy argument would would be great even a consensus is not reached. After all there is not much we can do about the situation. We should be greatful to who ever or what ever that is responsible for giving us the freedom to Blog! In some countries like China there are so many restrictions. Freedom of speech and living in peace - The results of Democracy !!
Image Source - Wikipedia
I am not sure why monks would not like the Dalai Lama, true he maybe from the Mahayana nikaya, but disliking him for such a reason goes against the very fundamentals of Buddhism - and well,monks should know better...
I'm gonna reserve my opinion on Mr.President, just incase there are pro-Bush blgogers around, but lets just say that I dont believe the attack on Iraq had anything to do with his love for democracy.
Also, while the Dalai Lama may agree with Bush's ideas of democracy but I cant imagine him endorsing Bush's methods of execution. Anyway religious leaders have been wrong in the past (think holocaust) and I'm tempted to think them sharing a birthday is just a twisted coincidence, nothing more :)
p.s: Thanks for the links. I was looking for somewhere to buy music actually, but SL music isnt too popular on the web yet I suppose.
you're welcome !!
also try M Entertainment
You've got a valuable point there.
Mean while Enjoy your Trip.
I will inform my friends and relatives in those countries to be cautious. "Roman karayo enawa !!"
Haa hari hina..:D
Trip is not for a long while yet (July)..many more sweltering days in office to get thru first
..lol..... actually I havn't got anyone (to my knowledge) in those countries.
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