Thought I was. But NO ! I mean I thought I was the only one to come up with a name like dogfight out of the blues. But one day I remember I saw in the Junior Times (childrens' suppliment of the Sunday Times, heh heh.... occassionally browse through it) a 5 year old boy had drawn a picture of a Dogfight. I mean Aerial Combat. Which is also what I meant by my title. If I remember right he had mentioned his school, same as mine. Whoa coincidence or not ??

Many people took it as the canine. Doesn't matter. Doesen't matter at all.. Its a previledge. I lovvvve Dogs. But ain't got none at Home. How ?? Pathetic ?? coz my Dad and sis are not very fond of Dogs.
Staying on the topic of Dogs. I remember there was was stray Dog who used to hang around my place in my small days. We called him "NoName" (well, at his point of time I did not realize that we called him dat coz he didn't have a name. I simply, honestly thought that was her name...) The mutt I am, here's one of my great works. In year 3 when we were given to write an English essay on "my pet". This eediot went and wrote,
"My pet is a Dog. My Dog's name is 'NoName'..... and blah.. blah.. blah.."
Issue was brought up on Parents' day. The Class teacher (Thank God she was nice lady or else she would'v blasted me saying "You dumbass boy") took up the topic and showed the book to my mom. She gave a suprised look to the teacher but came out laughing. (heh heh.... she knows what I'm capable of !!)News spread and for months I was bullied by my relatives saying NoName.. NoName..
So long for my Blog Title. wonder who else will come up with it as a title for any other thing in future !!
Thought I was the one and onleyyy.....
All this time I thought you had a canine fetish now you tell me that you have a fetish for hot muscular fighter pilots!
ammooo.. Hit me at point blank range neda...??
aai, 'least its better than ur own thingy 4 Nematodes & ipods.... aehmm.... aehmm....
The nematodes are hermaphrodites so best of both worlds baby! And the ipods are inarguably sexy! Its the only word to describe what I thought when I saw the new designs!
So..your fave movie is Topgun I bet, all that homoerotic fantasies going riot!
u take all dat troble under the microscope tells me ur height of desperation to catch the hermaphrodite. guess recognizing the females does not require the equipment since ur so used 2 them....
ohhh so I was correct abt the ipod....
wut abt Memory sticks ????
Topgun... yet 2 watch.... he heeeh.
now u'v ruined it !!
hahaha..Im with Darwin!
I thought u just really liked dogs:P
and i recommend u watching top gun..Not sure about the homoerotic fantasies but its a good movie
of course I do.... in the end, its the dogs that inspired the pilots 2 fight like Dogs !! lol.. I mean the Dogs were the inspiration 2 call it a dogfight.
I def. will watch it. (not 2 chekout Tom Cruise & the Pilots but the combat stuff & the story)
Certainly not Darwin's kinda fantasies....GRRRR
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