Interesting topic. Actually one guy said he saw ghosts and even his mom sees ghosts. Well I’m yet to see one. But I’ve heard so many stories about them. Some do rounds in the Gardens at night. Some hurt people. Some evil spirits are bound to people. So many stories about the Borella Kanaththa. Then someone said that a particular school used to be a military hospital in WW2. And the boarder’s toilet had been the place where there were tubs to wash the dead bodies. The sound of the water dripping to the tubs can still be heard. I think they were referring to my school. But I haven’t heard about it while I was there. However the area where the school is situtated did have a Military Hospital during the war.
One story which I believe is credible was from a preacher. He, with some others were praying in a house to cast out a an evil spirit which haunted the house. They had ordered the spirit to break a branch of the Mango tree in the Garden when he’s been cast out. After hours of prayers, Sharp at 12.00 midnight …. they heard a loud Hooting……. followed by a ‘Crack’ noise. To see a branch had been broken from the Mango tree. While I was typing this post (it was in the night) I heard someone knocking softly at the window….. It was my Aunt….
Then the discussion turned toward faith healing, casting daemons, miracles etc. Each person tried to give an explanation. Me, like a Pandithaya told “well whatever you believe in happens in your mind, and then… it materializez” wow where the hell did that thought come from ?? Everyone seemed convinced. Fooof !! I just spilled it outa the blues.
hmmm.. sounds spooky alright..
these thing may or may not exist.. but it' all upto the person to believe.. that's what I think..
As for me, i do read about their existence... and I do have experience too..
there was a time when my dad and some of his friends would do Tumbler talking once a week.. they usually did it for fun but then it became serious.. it was scary, but i've had the experience too.. there was just one guy who could actually bring the spirits.. and they would converse through the ouija board...
if u want to know more, just ask..:-)
BUT my advice to everyone and anyone is, "Never do these things!!"
DudeDog, watch out for them succubi!
Lady : oooohh.. thats dangerous shit. I'v herd of a similar incident where a popular Sri Lankan actress's spirit came and asked for blood & wudn't leave without it. How is that ??
Yep Like to learn more....
Ado bloth :!! hAhA I will I will. U'd bettr watchout for Slothy Ghosts (Gloths)
hmmm...interesting topic..i've never been able to get myself to believe in them spirits, though i've had people telling me they exist..apparently there are people who can see them and people who cant'...
Welcome pissu p. very ru. hope u'l c one if u ee-reely wanna c one.
hmmm, very interesting.
My grandma told that only certain people can see ghosts. According to her, there are 3 'ghana's that humans belong to. 'Deva' ghana people cant see or get frightened by ghosts, 'yaksha' ghana people will see bt don't get scared, but 'manushya' ghana people will see & get frightened by ghosts...
Are ghosts eternally bound to that form? Aren't they have a rebirth?
See this too>> Ghost siting???
Welcome pran. hmmm.. hope the list is not exclusive !! there's an exlpanation which says they r not at rest or they need some merit to go to a higher plane.
Man thats freeken pic !! looks like he's suffered a Bat (waula) bombardment.
ok, i checked out the picture on pran's blog and that's one freaky picture..the thing on top doesn't look
ask me what you want to know....:-) coz I dunno where to start...
Pissu p : hmmm technology these days is much much capable. but who knows....
Lady : I wanna know everything, yeah.... everything. Start from the first ghost u saw !! hic....
in that case I'd have to write a whole post or 2 on that one.. will do when i get time.. await!
k. better be soon b4 the hype dies out !!
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