Its been a while since I managed to find some peace of mind to put up a post. But nevertheless, I noticed the Blogsphere heating up with so many posts from my fellow Bloggers. And Oh !! The people I’ve mentioned in my previous post are gonna fall due one after the other next year. And so is my cousin and 2 wives of other cousin’s. Holy God !! its boom time or wot ????
Back to the topic. It’s a lovely but dangerous experience nowadays - Traveling by Train. So many things to talk about the Train culture of Sri Lanka. I use this method of transport simply because there’s no traffic involved and its pretty fast. Since I’ve switched to the train I’ve learned the awesome sub culture of the Train Life. Thought I would share a bit with the rest of the world.
I managed to get into a small click of friends who travel in the same train and so do many others commuters. Those that travel long distances have formed groups which are so tightly knit. They would not allow us to get in to their carriages or occupy their seats. They’ve become so territorial. However, if a lovely girl gets in, some guy would move a bit and give room for her to sit. Damn it !! Maybe just for the aathal of leaning on to her for about half an hour. Bloody arses.
These groups are so mindful of each other. One day I heard a group blasting a fellow member. I though the poor guy had done some crime. Well the CRIME was going in a different train the previous day. Hows that ?? So does my click who bully each other so much if one person misses to join the group a single day.
Apart from the fact it has become deadly dangerous and prime targets for terrorist attacks, people have their fun. There are always people singing songs. Once, I was suddenly pushed aside. To see there were 4 men, 2 on either side playing cards, and they wanted me to bugger off. So I did without being a spoil sport.
I should not forget to mention the lovely scenery of the ocean and the beaches (I travel along the coastal track) which I’m privileged to witness each day. It’s an awfully beautiful sight while traveling by train. And also some of the Landmarks out of which the heavenly sight of school (reminiscences of billions of jolly times) will never get tired of sighting. What better way to kick off a brand new day !! To add to this, the talent is quite good on the trains (chicks !!)
The unpleasant part of it is when the trains get delayed and is over crowded. Also Rainy Days. (Some carriages leak !!) Man it’s a mess. But one day where the signal system crashed the trains functioned quite smoothly (not to forget they were late). We hardly get a seat in the train as it is so crowded when we get in. Once, there was couple of cancellations which made us think strategically. The next train going away from our station (not towards Fort) would turn and head to Fort in the nearby main Railway Station. So we got in, it was empty since the next stop was the last southward stop, and from there it would head back to Fort. Since we managed to get in at that time, we all managed to sit together for the first time in our lives. (Other days we only get to travel either near the door or on the foot board.)
I am so much persuaded stop this form of traveling and switch to a car. Well I’m considering that option but even though I start to travel by car, I would invariably try to make a few trips a week in the train because it is such an amazing experience. If the authorities can improve the standards, it would be the most preferred mode of transport I’m sure.

The Marine Drive with the Bambalapitiya Railway Station seen far off. (The shot was taken to include in another post last year. However the situation became obsolete. But I thought I’ll post the pic nevertheless. (Taken by Your's Truly from a Nokia 6020)
Hope my fellow bloggers are bracing yourselves for Christmas and having a ball of a time. I managed to get ADSL (not setup yet, Shame on me. I know. But there were complications !!) at home. (Damn late I know, might as well waited a bit and gone for WIMAX. He hee….) Have fun!!
Compliments of the season to ya!
good to see you online...
Seasons Greetings Man...
Nice to see u alive and kicking..
Cheers Mate!! :)
Lady : Thanx a Lot !! wish u & ur loved ones the same !! Yeah.... got a breather to put up a post....
Disease : Thanx Man !! wish u & ur loved ones the same !! Of course..Never Say Die !!
Have Fun !!
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