If I don't set the alarm I'll over sleep.... sure as hell. 'da hell to do ?? have to keep the alarm in my quest to have dreamless, nightmareless "shouting while dreaming" less naps. Sleep is a luxury these days. Well, some times I fall asleep won't hear loud thundering. Once an accident which knocked down a wall, on the road right in front of my room went unheard. Must try a Clay-more mine.
Drink a lot of water before going to bed so that your bladder wakes you up. Best case scenario you wake up naturally and don't have a crazy alarm driving you nuts. Worst case? You piss your bed and the sheets stink and you're late for work because you're changing the bedding and disinfecting the mattress.
Worth a try though!
Tried drinking water only 2 wake up half way through the already short-duration nap. damn !! worst case..... well, it doesen't happ.. but sumthin else cud....
Guess I'll hav 2 stik 2 the alarm anyway.
Heard of Clocky? Its an alarm clock that runs away from you and keeps ringing so ur forced to get out of bed and hunt it down..
I think id prob murder it after one trial..but might work for you :D
whoops.. nothin irritating like dat.. I'l hav my mom throw me a tank of water insted. heh heh
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