Seem to have a bit of a problem in handling complexity these days. With so much in the head (more than it can take) it takes time to understand something. Realization comes after the train has passed. Not to forget some thundering remarks follows. Here are some of them. "yuor're a dud", "you're rather dense", "you're sunk, man" (sure I am....), "Stop thinking, no point" and as usual "Yakoooo.... umba maara tubelight ekak " phew !! also that maniac Sloth puts the "aiyooo emoticon" on the chat window. kind of overloaded with remarks.
I somehow have come up with the most moronic explanation to this situation. About one year ago the dentist told me, "son, One your wisdom Teeth is gonna come out horizontally" Man, what a revelation. She told me that all of the wisdom teeth should eventually have to come out because my jaw does not have enough space to poke in the wisdom Teeth. Rings a bell, don't it ?? if I substitute wisdom and my brain to the above situation ?? However the Wisdom teeth still doesen't seem to pop out. I dunno if they are ever gonna pop out. (maybe I'll have to throw the teeth to the top of the roof and ask the squirrel to bring me back smaller teeth) Hehe.... If the Dentist hears this she will not treat me again.. just a mad thought !!
Well, I'm gonna have to find a way to deal with complexity. Can't do away with it. Have to face it. Maybe I was this way from the start and now only I've realized. Or maybe I'm asscociating with intellectuals now.(Like the ones in the blogger community. woooo!!) If that is true it means I've been asscociating with jokers upto now. (Not that I'm any better) Sometimes it gets a bit difficult to understand certain points posted in some blogs. Espesailly blogs posted by girls with a mixture of excrutiating 'Kadda'. Even if guys use that sorta 'kadda ' to put a point across, I kinda get the overall picture. (common understanding I guess) Its kinda hard to face upto these situations day in day out. But.... da'hell I'll face it. I'm used to it.
My wisdom tooth hasnt come out either..its rather late..most ppl get theirs before 23..but then considering how excessively clever I am I dont think I can handle any more wisdom :p
so lack of wisdom tooth isnt the cause of slowness...possibly reading too many blogs..that can seriously mess with your brain
p.s: unfortunately there is no way u can be a bigger tubelight than me. i own that phrase :(
whoa !! clever huh??
There's nothing else that can further mess up my Brain. Its already consumed.
"tubelight!!" No u Don't it's MINE !!
You fluorescent lamps! Hmmm doesn’t have that tube light effect. You fluoros! Nope? You fluore! That’s it. All, in favour of the new tube light terminology say "aye".
oi, don't u try 2 figure out new jargon. I will spread the tubelight desease ur way. I'm warnin u!!
spread tubelight disease??? i sure wud luv to see that...;)..i kinda have the same prob as u..only thing is...one of my wisdom teeth decides to gimme a lil pain around once a month...and i assume that it's on it's way up..but it's been a couple of long months now..and all this time i cud only catch a tiny glimpse of it...i still wonder when it'l ever pop out completely..coz it's a pain...
hey, welcome to the blog !! so u want 2 c me spreadin it?? u wait n c.. u neva know.. it happens all of a suddn.. i actually don't hav 2 mak an effort 2 spread it. heh heh..
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