Oh brother, what a start with the bombs goin off like crazy. Traffic jams, security checks you name it. I’m wondering whether it’ll come to a point where we’ll have to strip in security check points for full body search. New Year’s a time for new beginnings (maybe getting the push for a roll down hill). Nevertheless, hope we will manage to keep our spirits up and go about our day to day. Let us not forget the sorry plight of the displaced people and the shortage of just about everything in Jaffna. We don’t live alone !!
Lets hope everything will take a turn for the good for everyone. If not we’ll take a turn. Heh heh…. so that we go in search of it. (Hmm.. that makes some sense don’t it) So everybody check the wings, check the tanks, check the systems, make sure you’ve got the parachute, and on the signal… Take Off to the skies !!
yea lets hope that everything turns out for the better for everyone:-)...and hope u r doing good....
lets hope so....
thanx. the Ratio stands 10:8 (Good:Bad) at the mo.
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