Was Googling for some Tech stuff and stumbled upon this Forum. Someone's got caught theivin.
StatCode are the lines of code that is inserted in the web page to track visitors. (Mayb you know it all too well !!) There you are.... Piracy !! If ever you happen to copy code, be more shrewd, Delete the StatCode, dewd !!
I've come across loads of plagarism on blogs. It hasn't happened to me yet thankfully.
Something about imitation being the sincerest form of...
haha..how saw to plagarise blogs...absolutely no life :D
Darwin : Guess dats the price u might have 2 pay 4 havin such a note-worthy blog. aehmm.. aehmmm...
Venus : ayyyy... c'mon wots the world without som mischief ?? I'l run outa fun stuff 2 Blog abt..
"If ever you happen to copy code, be more shrewd, Delete the StatCode, dewd !!" - thanks for the tip....;-)
ayyy...U'v copied my rhyme !! 'do..
Oh.... so ur in the business I see...
hmmm... heh heh..
nah...not in the business...but u never know whether the need would arise or not..hehehee....
i sure hope never to get there though..
betr not say that in public....
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