Do we really have to play it ?? Be one person at work and another at home. Or maybe show so many different faces to so many different people. Business is Business and family life is another thing. It’s an age old question. Where do we find the answers ?? We live on this earth to make money or do we live for the sake of living, orrrrr we earn to make a living ??
At the outset I’d like to say the person I’m gonna talk about would be a hypothetical one with a bit of reality intertwined. If any one feels its good movie-worthy material, grab it dude…. NO hard feelings. NO need of any credits. After all inspiration has to spring from somewhere isn’t it (If not from you) heh heh….
Business is Business. It means profits, money. Money Money Money. Money is his God. And it blesses him with belongings, relationships and of course The (rotten) eeego. Each day it’s a case of Lies, Half Truths, Disfigured Opinions, Cut Throats and Kick Backs. No love lost I should say. How the hell can we live like this in our personal lives ?? We do need to look more descent as there’s a lot at stake. Family Values,Respect etc.. etc..
The way business takes place it is near impossible to be sincere, honest at the same time be profitable in business and make money. He gives it all to cut a deal. How many lies, how many threats and persuasions, under hand commissions for the deal to get through. After all it ensures his survival (also his employees and his family) Which of these issues were at the back of his mind when he struck the deal. Maybe one, two or none of them. We’ll never know.
However, he does business professionally. He does not take part in petty personal feuds or jealous ass kickin. Only morons who pose a real threat and are at his throat would be dealt with. And the kick is boxed artfully with no traces left behind. It’s like the Cobra. He attacks only if provoked. No shitty actions as we see a lot in SL. There’s no point in engaging in them. No apologies. Coz its nothing personal Its just business. Sometimes he willingly delays someone and apologizes for protocol sake. He doesn’t give a shit. And the other also knows that it’s just protocol. And there’s nothing he can do about it other than accept the apology.
Now here’s a small business trick. You didn’t hear it from me. Okay ?? Some businessmen leave no traces and have no personal assets to their names. This allows them to vanish craftily. They get a vehicle on lease. (It’s an Operational Lease and not a Finance Lease where the ownership is with the lessor and maintenance is also done by the lessor.) All his purchases are done by credit card and the bill settled later. He would not own any local bank accounts and will not reveal the Foreign Bank Accounts. All traces leading to his money is nicely hidden. Furthermore, he would have another car to a relative’s name and the house belongs to the spouse. Thus at any moment he would say tata, bye to the Bank and Leasing Company and he’s free to leave all and his family and go into hiding provided he has the balls, bats and stumps to be so damn ruthless.
Sometimes his life is in danger. He deals with brokers (intermediaries who expect commissions from both sides for setting up the deal between the buyer and seller) and at times, the broker is given the boot. Hell freezes over when they come looking for him to kill or strip him off his money. These kinda rotten ropes are a norm to him. He also takes all the precautions to associate only with the right people and cut all contact with people who do not associate to him strategically. He also makes sure that his business dealings would in no way hinder the operations of his most reliable contacts.
I find it real hard to balance the two persons. I am not so open to such extreme business dealings. However we have to do the day to day chores of being the nasty guy. Anyone who is working, would agree with me, in saying, we aren’t completely honest at work, and we try to save our ass from certain situations. It is terrible where you can’t open up and talk to a person and you have to hold back so many details, and not be sincere and also talk at arm’s length. Sometimes in our personal lives also we have to take part in this kind of ass protection. Gone are the days where we meet a guy, chat for a while and suddenly become life long friends. We can’t blame anyone for it either. Brings to my memory the movie Road to Perdition. How a hitman's son witnesses what his father does for a living He also had a beautiful family which he loves so much. It kills him to see the effects of his actions hitting back at his family. Great Movie.
Well, I say again I was referring to an imaginary, phantom character (reffered to as ‘He’) Hell, its not me. I wish we could stay without playing the game. That’s what we should strive to achieve. (of course try to be the better person of the two) We can’t change the way the clock of the world is turning. That also does not mean we need to do all the beastly stuff that we feel we need to do to survive. Somethings wrong in the world or is it the way it was meant to be ??
On a different note I just happened to search for “self-deprecation” in Urban. Was very much amused by some of the definitions of the “self-“ words. Check ‘em out on your left hand side when you visit the above URL. (if ur up for wasting some time)
pretty good, dangerous, and challening isn't it?
So is this what keep u busy now?????????????
I still never got the chance to watch Road to Perdition.. Tom Hanks right?
It is... definitely. I'm not very much into it. Just feel for the people who are already involved.
yep Tom Hanks, Jude Law.. def. worth a watch.
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