Recently, I went to a funeral where one of my school batch mate’s Father has passed away. Quite a lot of my batch mates have lost one parent, in most cases it’s the Dad. In school days when someone’s parent passes away it is a huge scene. Now, after going for so many funerals (friends, family, neighbors) its sorta becoming not much of an issue. “Its going to happen someday, just that may be it was a bit fast forwarded.” Seems to be the feeling. As we grow up, I guess this is how we are supposed to feel. Even if a very close relative passes away, it is becoming increasingly hard to pull a tear outa my eyes. But definitely feel for the remaining family members as they have to pull up their socks and go on in life. Guess I’ve come to terms with it that everyone including my loved ones gonna go someday expectedly or unexpectedly, when their time is right. Last time a tear popped out… hmmm when was it?? Yeah…. I was in an utterly helpless situation after doing everything in my capacity regarding an issue. It was tough and dangerous. But, not due to sorrow or heartache.
While speaking to R (this guy whose Father passed away) he recalled an incident that took place in our school days. It was quite close to our O Levels. We had a religion class conducted by the Chaplain at that time. It was there from about 7.30 – 10.00 A.M. After that, two friends and my self came to the bus halt to go home. One guy was after Fitness (First XI guys had fitness training from 5 – 7.30 A.M. I think ) All of us were hungry and bored to death after studying. So this Cricketing friend suggested we go to R’s place. R did not come for the class as he took another subject for Religion. OK so we went there but did not know the exact location of his house. We went close by and started shouting his name. He came out screaming don’t shout.
We went into his house and said we were hungry. He said there’s nothing to eat at home. We went and opened his fridge and pantry cupboards. Since there was nothing to eat, we plucked Kurumba (young Coconut) and drank and also ate the flesh of it. MMmm Yum Yum.... I think one guy emptied the last bit of grub there was at home. R was mad at us and was grumbling and wanted us out of the house saying his parents will blast him. We were still hungry. So we dragged him to the bakery on top of the road and filled our stomachs on his behalf. I grabbed a Maalu Paan (Fish Bun). The other two had Beef buns I think. Any way we were laughing throughout the whole drama. Then we told the Bakery owner, “Mudalaali, mey mahaththaya hawasta salli gewai” (Mr. owner, this guy will pay you in the evening) Apparently he knows the owner well. He did not have money to pay at that time. We never refunded him either. It was so damn mean and ruthless but fun too. R was also laughing as he was taken for a byte. Look what we’ve done given the fact that we were after Religion Lessons.
After recalling this incident, we laughed at will, forgetting the fact that it was a funeral. It managed to take away his sorrow at least for a moment. He said “Yako….Umbala edaa maawa iwara karaa ….” (You guys ripped me off that day. You maniacs) Then he gives me the kinda look “Oh God you are not trying to do that again now are you?” Then he settles down with the kinda look “The other two maniacs who were involved aren’t here. So no probs” heh heh….. College memories, they are fit for any occasion to change the mood. I’m sure if we live to see our hair go Grey, we’d still be talking about these incidents, like kids. It’s a great feeling when we get to see old school friends. Talk abt all the mischief and unforgettable incidents. Sure prescribed dose of Sorrow Busters !!
i can actually believe that you did all that with you friend! :-P hehee...
but it's fun no....damn the things we did back then..it's so nice to re-live those moments again and again...and to talk about every detail of it...
i can't imagine what more you would've done.. sounds like u've been a hell of a rascal back then... errr, have you changed btw????;-)
Fun is not the worrrd !!
well, not a major rascal. just that I joined the fun when it was happening. Yeah I've changed since then. But still a Rascal !! heh heh
Just what I thought!;-)
So u figured out spot on....
Hmmm.... I shud hav guessed.....
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