Saturday, September 23, 2006

Loudspeaker Maniacs

Saturday afternoon jumped into bed to have a good nap. Woke up once to open the gate for my father to put the car in. Thought at least now leave me in peace. NO.. Suddenly was shot up awake by the noise of a loudspeaker. Ahh.... I though thats it, we are being called for conscription. But NO.. an irritating voice was yelling about a National Sports Festival and that the Boxing matches are to be held this evening at the local park and that every one is invited. It doesen't end there the annoucement is followed by some haunting music. Damn, so long for my nap. Only get to sleep properly on a Saturday and that also goes for a six.

This is not the first time. The alarming frequency of the loudspeaker maniacs ruining my nap has become intolerable. Even the vehicles they fix the loudspeakers on, are daaaamn noisy. Looks like a discarded Ice Cream Truck. Worn down, rusted and waiting to giv someone Tetanus. Thats it.. next time I'm gonna get a loudspeaker myself and yell out on it to drown their annoucement. Or else I'l find out a way to jam their amplifiers and their entire PA system. Bloody Baskets !!


Venus-Metamorphosed said...

worst are the tuk tuk dudes with giant speaker systems..playing the most horrendous music to boot...They are death traps as it I really want bad music to be the last thing I hear on earth..gahhh

dogfight said...

Ohhh yeah.... those jokers.. also the sevana(lottery) guys on the push bikes. they manage 2 mount a tiny amp on their bikes. foof !!

Darwin said...

Don't forget that period in time where the Walls carts used to go around with their ANNOYING music!

dogfight said...

hahaha.... apoooo that tune used 2 b a menace. worst part is when sum1 on the rd stops it 2 buy ice cream right in front of my house. Then crowds gather n bugger won't move out 4 ages.

Lady divine said...

hvnt u come across people in vans and tuk tuks who go around aftr 11pm announing funerals and all that which highly irritates you and just want to throttle whoeva's doin it??coz aftr a long day of wrk and when u end it with a good wrk out and then finally tuck urself in bed and those final few minutes when ur abt to fall alseep, this happens...just imagine how annoying it is..coz now ur sleep is disturbed and everything is a mess! i hate that feeling..unfortunately it happens atleast once a month...

dogfight said...

tru.. wut 2 do.. feel like goin 2 their houses and shoutin at 'em when they r abt 2 sleep. but no point ppl neva learn. no choice. hav 2 liv with it..