Thursday, October 25, 2007

Expecting !! Expecting !! Expecting !! Wot the....

There seem to be a baby boom in the work place. My goodness lotsa girls getting pregnant. I see the plastic container with fruits in it... Daily !! Gettin used to seeing it everyday. One day I went to Head Office for some work. I was workin for some time, and lifted my head to see an identical plastic container with fruits. Now I’m wondering.... Am I at my normal workplace or at Head Office ?? I dint have lunch, feelin bit wonky, but I do remember comin to Head Office. Took me some time to click. The girl here is also pregnant.

Well.... 3 who work closely with me are…. Expecting !! One friend tells me. "Macho looks like you are responsible for all 3".... What the !! I’m wandering is it some kinda season ? or just mere coincidence ? Anyways, my buddies who read my blog-crap (yeah.. more or less) can do me favor by advising me on how to behave when I’m around them. You know me, might make fun or say stuff I shud not (unintentionally of course but to have some fun). Soo Stop me !!


Lady divine said...

ha! what a situation.... so spill it..what have you been upto?? ;-)
Just kidding..:-D

sometimes this happens, once in my earlier office, it used to happen.. all of a sudden women started getting pregnant one after the other.. was kinda funny too..;-)

dogfight said...

as if I'm that jobless.... heh heh

so it must be a trend ??

pissu perera said...

scary isn't it, when you think of all the screaming, pooping little humans that will be out soon..

dogfight said...

ohhh....I don't wanna b around when that happens....