Friday, January 26, 2007

The Race, The Caste, The Creed,

This is quite long….

Are all people made up of the same physical substances ?? (Obviously in different proportions) or is there something called Pure Blood, Aryan Race, etc. ?? Are some people destined to be treated like trash and others as the elite in society ?? I would like to say at the outset these are my personal observations which I will mention. If anyone feels offended, (Thoppiya hari nung Daaganing !!) there’s nothing personal here. This is my venture into understanding society.

In today’s society we would like to imagine that the caste system is gone for good. I would say its still there, be it explicit, implicit or in fragments. It sure drives people in making some of their decisions. Of course it is very hard to finger print large communities but general feeling is it is existent. If I have read right, it is according to the services that were provided to the ancient Kings that the system was built upon. Since then people are being discriminated based on that.

Funny thing is I’ve noticed majority of the High caste people (Govigama or Goigama) have some quality in them. And of course the Superior Feeling. (Oh brother, I hate to separate people and sling mud, take this as just mentioning facts) They are normally well behaved and do not part company with people whom they feel are inferior. The rest, well there are certainly roudy elements and surely surely unacceptably insolent behaving people among them. Certain things they do deserve to be looked down upon. I say again, I cannot and will not fingerprint.

Be it School, University, Office, the difference is evident. I have to say I haven’t been a victim of it up to now. But I’ve seen it Happening. I’m not blaming it but it just doesn’t feel right. My belief is a person should be treated for who he / she is, for their personality, the qualities they have and not how much money they have or are they of the good breed. I cannot refrain from mentioning that the so called lower class people are the ones who get caught for all the mischief and unlawful deeds 70% of the time. (Not that the elite aren’t into this type of activities)

People who have money, mostly of the time get good education and there’s always the chance of their children, due to good living conditions become good citizens. On the other hand for the poor and oppressed, the wheel turns in the opposite direction. Is there a notion such as, people should always associate elite wealthy people and live amongst them, or should aim to do so? Palayang bung yanda !! (I don’t think so). “You should be able to speak to the poor man’s heart as well move with kings and not lose the common touch” is what I think should be the case.

I have seen high caste people, rich people (rich only in wealth and not in Human Qualities) treating their servants like trash. Excuse given being, “They should be treated that way or else they won’t work” Agreed to some extent. Firmness should be there. However not along with elements of superiority complexes and looking down on the person just because he / she came begging to you for some work and earn money. Some of these elite became so because at some point of time, their ancestors had a bit of extra money and won favor with the rest of the elite. I would say if a person has achieved excellence out of his / her own sweat and blood that person should be decorated and honored. Not just because their ancestors were the wealthy prominent people in society.

Religious or Racial discrimination may be not as frequent as the caste system in this country. But we hear stories from here and there of such incidents. God only knows how many cases go unreported. Once again, to halt contact or look down basing on Race or Religion would be unacceptable. However much we say no, these hatreds or complex feelings drives people in every phase of life.

In conclusion I’d like to say in no means I have hatred towards people of any Caste Race or Religion. It’s just that the injustice prevailing won’t let me rest and I feel I might be a victim of it one fine day. I’m not concerned about the personal loss but it’s the general feeling that disturbs me.

Finally Dogfight decides to Blog about something that has a bit of sense it it !!


Darwin said...

Aww you're all grown up, discussing serious stuff like this!

I've always judged people as morons regardless of race/religion/caste/colour upon the first meeting. That's just the default, everyone is a moron until proven otherwise. It doesn't take much to be promoted up, just not being a jerk itself is enough, but you'd be surprised how many people still stay in the moron list!

People who tend to discriminate on the basis of external features generally tend to be very shallow and insecure people. In other words, morons again.

dogfight said...

heh heh !! dats a good base to start with, assuming everyone as morons !! serves the purpose anyhow.

sittingnut said...

insecurity -> herd mentality -> caste/race/religion and other herds.

herds will alway be there as long as some ppl feel insecure (personally, socially, economically, etc). and since individuals are not born equal there will always be insecure ppl.

dogfight said...

Yo Sittingnut, welcome to the zone !!
Thats whats happening practically. not necassarily the ideal or the best case I'd say.

Maybe we're not born into the same surroundings or with same qualities. but the fact that the same misfortune can befall on anyone doesn't change.

Whichever herd we're part of, or which ever privileges we enjoyed, We take nothing to the grave except for all the deeds we've done.

Lady divine said...

That's some serious stuff you've blogged abt.. Honeslty I don't give a damn about religious differences and caste and all that.. I respect people for who they're ....too bad many people don't look at it that way..

As for the way people treat servants, i'm on it with you.. Yes there should be firmness to a certain extent but you don't have to treat them bad.. they're human too and probably face worse problems than we do..they just want to earn something for survival in the way they can.. respect them for the decision to work for you and treat them well..

It's something we can go on talking about but we can't stop.. coz everyone doesn't think that way.. I'm sure we'll all face it someday in one way or another.. But just turn away for it is they who're ignorant and looking at things the "old" and undoubtedly the "wrong" way..

even i feel restless when i see these things happeneing and keep quesitoning about it..Like Darwin says..they're "MORONS"! :-)

dogfight said...

pretty serious !! I'd love 2 open fire at someone who's caught in the act. but won't b worthwile. wud it ??

yeah..Darwin shud be made the judge and call the perpetrators-MORONS !!

zlot said...

Pure blood reminds me of vampires.

dogfight said...

owwhh... mayb they r vampires (talking abt suckd blood)

Tasha said...

eh.. ok so... how are you going to solve it?

dogfight said...

by setting an example !! any better ideas ?? most welcome....