Saturday, December 30, 2006
sleepin with Whi - s - key
However, the bottles were safe under my bed through the night. I informed True Maniac about this who wanted me Blog about it. Too bad I cannot put up a pic of all this. I wouldn't be able to finish a quater of a bottle. Damn !! So was thinkin of having my friends or the blogger topperrrs over here. heh heh !!. However, I am not invited for the wedding. Hahahaha !!!!
Thoughts of gate-crashing, but no need. Most of the people know me and that I’m not invited. So too dangerous !! Some guys I know love gate-crashing. Some go to weddings and if liquor is not served, the go to another wedding in the same hotel, fill their tanks and comes back to the correct wedding for the dinner. Well the wedding is goin on while I’m posting this. Hope the topperrrs are making merry….
There’s also this problem of the new Legislation regarding smoking in public places. The smokers are not sure whether they are allowed to smoke or not in the Hotel. There had been many cases where the Police had filed cases against many people smoking in public but the case was dropped because the cops could not prove it was a public place. There are also cases of security officers allowing a puff (in prohibited places) while they where also gifted with a few Cigarettes. Man, what a life !! Any way no problem in Sri Lanka !!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Noh I'm NOT.... errr yeah kinda
Everytime I hop into Nolimit (used to be French Corner), House of Fashions or
Its a different story at Cargills. Once I went with my Family memebers. The Huge Cook, Boxer, Bouncer or
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Excellent Stuff !!

Awsum stuff !! Maximum !! Cool Video, meaningful.
And then, the reunited Take That. But Alas, no Robbie !! However, the reunion song "Patience" is quite good. They haven't seem to have lost their knack.
check 'em our here and here
U2 ROCKS !! so does Green Day & Take That !!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
B - L - A - N - K take that !!
Whoa !! I'm gonna do this all the time. Still didn't get bitch-slapped or kick-boxed for doing it. I really like it when girls don't know what to make out of it. Normally they read people very well. Some times I mix it with a Gal Look to chase off trouble from unwanted company. Lets see how it goes. I don't think its a good idea to put a picture of my face with the Blank Look because, for the blogger world who knows me in such a way, would have a terrible time with unstoppable laughter !!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Phew.... I barely managed to Answer
1. Popcorn or Candy - Nothing.
2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever - The God Father
3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: who loses theirs and to whom – I just didn’t care to remember who won and for wot.
4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. Which will it be? - Would steal a Pilot’s Uniform. Darwin… Me not have feelings for Fighter Pilots like you say. Go dribble with sluggish worms and scratch the earth for microscopic entities. Haha
5. Invite 5 movie people over for dinner, who are they? What would you feed them? – I’ll invite Robert Patrick, Harrison Ford, Martin Lawrence Now we need some lovely ladies don’t we ? Helen Hunt, Angelina Jolie.. I’d make them fight for the food. Winner takes it all.
I’d giv the men a B.B.Q. and the Ladies…..Fish Kottu. Drinks. Ahh They should Taste our stuff - Old Reserve
6. Your favorite film franchise is: errr… well errrr….
7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theatre? Use a frequency Jammer. Solves the problem once and for all.
8. Choose a female bodyguard – Jennifer Garner. She will guard the whole body, I mean it. haha.
9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? – ahhh…. I don’t remember a scary thing. Must start watching Horror stuff. Well. From the handful I’ve watched somethings dat scared one or two of my furr was Anaconda n I know what you did last summer. Pretty lame huh wot the hell 2 do ??
10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) – Realistic War, Mobster, Gangster Movies also meaningful ones.
11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? – I’ll shoot the Red and Amber lights. Bring on the Violence with a bit of humour.
12. Bonnie or Clyde - ...Bonnie ??... Clyde ??.. who put it in ??
Guess I'm in a SSS (Sorry Sad State) when it comes to movies. I'll tag SpectralCentroid and Lady Divine.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Psychic stuff.. GO Sugar Ray !!
There goes another prediction. For all you people who are scared and feel no hope because of Psychic preditions, Take That for a change. Start looking on the bright side of things. For all the Psychic Freaks out there, GO Mark.... JAM it Dude !!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The General

I cannot refrain from mentioning that this post in no means spurs up the hype for the situation in the country. It is not my view that we should go for War. I accept I am in no position to decide on that. If we had resources, allies, equipment and training like the Israelis it would have been a different story. The root cause of the conflict needs to be eliminated. Or else it would continue for a couple of generations more !!
Image Source : Wiki
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I Draw BLOOD !!

I figured out there are large holes in my mosquito net. Felt too lazy to patch them up. These days my fan is also broken. So its a barbecue time for the mosquitoes. (Gets quite warm in the noight if it doesn't rain) Lucky I did not get any mosquitoe related illness these days. But got Dengue twice in my school days. Once it got a bit worse but it couldn't kill me. I remember being in hospital having my Radio Alarm Clock with me. Those days Jon Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" was very popular and I played it full blast in hospital. The nurse comes and asks "mallee prashnayakde ??" (you'v got a problem bro ??) I point to the radio meaning I want my life back and get out of Hospital. Actually those days part of me said that. But another part of me said I want to stay some time more in Hospital to keep looking at these lovely nurses.
Fooof ! need to repair fan and patch up the mosquitoe net. Otherwise I'll end in Hospital again. Forget about the nurses there is a lot of work to be done. Have to get on with it. Used to play that mosquito squashing Flash game. Now I do it automatic. He Heeh !! But no blood on Halloween. Buggers seem to be missing. Wonder why ?? Party of their own I guess.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Inferior ?? huh ?? No Dammit !!
giving up and hanging on.
Comparing ourselves with others have two sides. We should not over or under estimate ourselves. Doesn't hurt at all to look at another person and correct our own mistake. It doesn't. !! but people pointing fingers at others should realize that when you point one in the opponents direction the rest of the 4 fingers are towards you. Can you perform in an equal situation with the same circumstances that your victim was under ?? If yes no harm critizing or blasting. If you cannot peform when seas get rough for you, no point try being a hypocryte. Only... I say again only If you are very kind hearted person who aknowledges your mistake but wan't the other not to make the same, criticism is most welcome.
Another side to this is we don't run the race of life at the same pace. Really capable people are 'go getters'. There are poeple like that. One cannot expect everyone to fall in line just like that. Its dam tough. Some will. But not everybody. It should be chizzled in their hearts that tolerance and patience are essential for a harmonious relationship.
Actually there's a buddy of mine who is a bit like this. I'm gonna tell him in the face he should cool down. It'll be tough. But I'm sure we'll settle things in good way !! Thought I would consult the blogger world Intellectuality before are only my opinions. Critcisms and differring opinions are welcome !!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I .. AAmmm The ONE and Onleyyyyyy.......
Thought I was. But NO ! I mean I thought I was the only one to come up with a name like dogfight out of the blues. But one day I remember I saw in the Junior Times (childrens' suppliment of the Sunday Times, heh heh.... occassionally browse through it) a 5 year old boy had drawn a picture of a Dogfight. I mean Aerial Combat. Which is also what I meant by my title. If I remember right he had mentioned his school, same as mine. Whoa coincidence or not ??

Many people took it as the canine. Doesn't matter. Doesen't matter at all.. Its a previledge. I lovvvve Dogs. But ain't got none at Home. How ?? Pathetic ?? coz my Dad and sis are not very fond of Dogs.
Staying on the topic of Dogs. I remember there was was stray Dog who used to hang around my place in my small days. We called him "NoName" (well, at his point of time I did not realize that we called him dat coz he didn't have a name. I simply, honestly thought that was her name...) The mutt I am, here's one of my great works. In year 3 when we were given to write an English essay on "my pet". This eediot went and wrote,
"My pet is a Dog. My Dog's name is 'NoName'..... and blah.. blah.. blah.."
Issue was brought up on Parents' day. The Class teacher (Thank God she was nice lady or else she would'v blasted me saying "You dumbass boy") took up the topic and showed the book to my mom. She gave a suprised look to the teacher but came out laughing. (heh heh.... she knows what I'm capable of !!)News spread and for months I was bullied by my relatives saying NoName.. NoName..
So long for my Blog Title. wonder who else will come up with it as a title for any other thing in future !!
Thought I was the one and onleyyy.....
Monday, October 16, 2006
They gave me one too
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Its Meat Loaf's Song !!
The Tube version over here.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Loudspeaker Maniacs
This is not the first time. The alarming frequency of the loudspeaker maniacs ruining my nap has become intolerable. Even the vehicles they fix the loudspeakers on, are daaaamn noisy. Looks like a discarded Ice Cream Truck. Worn down, rusted and waiting to giv someone Tetanus. Thats it.. next time I'm gonna get a loudspeaker myself and yell out on it to drown their annoucement. Or else I'l find out a way to jam their amplifiers and their entire PA system. Bloody Baskets !!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Bludy Alarm

If I don't set the alarm I'll over sleep.... sure as hell. 'da hell to do ?? have to keep the alarm in my quest to have dreamless, nightmareless "shouting while dreaming" less naps. Sleep is a luxury these days. Well, some times I fall asleep won't hear loud thundering. Once an accident which knocked down a wall, on the road right in front of my room went unheard. Must try a Clay-more mine.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Tubelight ?? hmm....

Seem to have a bit of a problem in handling complexity these days. With so much in the head (more than it can take) it takes time to understand something. Realization comes after the train has passed. Not to forget some thundering remarks follows. Here are some of them. "yuor're a dud", "you're rather dense", "you're sunk, man" (sure I am....), "Stop thinking, no point" and as usual "Yakoooo.... umba maara tubelight ekak " phew !! also that maniac Sloth puts the "aiyooo emoticon" on the chat window. kind of overloaded with remarks.
I somehow have come up with the most moronic explanation to this situation. About one year ago the dentist told me, "son, One your wisdom Teeth is gonna come out horizontally" Man, what a revelation. She told me that all of the wisdom teeth should eventually have to come out because my jaw does not have enough space to poke in the wisdom Teeth. Rings a bell, don't it ?? if I substitute wisdom and my brain to the above situation ?? However the Wisdom teeth still doesen't seem to pop out. I dunno if they are ever gonna pop out. (maybe I'll have to throw the teeth to the top of the roof and ask the squirrel to bring me back smaller teeth) Hehe.... If the Dentist hears this she will not treat me again.. just a mad thought !!
Well, I'm gonna have to find a way to deal with complexity. Can't do away with it. Have to face it. Maybe I was this way from the start and now only I've realized. Or maybe I'm asscociating with intellectuals now.(Like the ones in the blogger community. woooo!!) If that is true it means I've been asscociating with jokers upto now. (Not that I'm any better) Sometimes it gets a bit difficult to understand certain points posted in some blogs. Espesailly blogs posted by girls with a mixture of excrutiating 'Kadda'. Even if guys use that sorta 'kadda ' to put a point across, I kinda get the overall picture. (common understanding I guess) Its kinda hard to face upto these situations day in day out. But.... da'hell I'll face it. I'm used to it.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Dumper
We have a small concrete structure at the backyard. We call it the "Garbee" Its abt 2x2x4 (feet) with a 1x1 (feet) opening on the top and a small outlet at the bottom. The garbage (excluding Polythene, Paper etc..) goes in and then a layer of soil is loaded. These layers of garbage and soil after a couple of months become very good fertilizer for plants. Simple stuff. The fertilizer can be taken out from the small outlet.
Best part is when I load the dirt inside the Garbee. wow !! I have to put it in, then flatten it, kinda stirring the soup !! You find evrything there.... egg shells, fish bones, rotten rice, tea leaves, coconut, mmm yumm... heaps of flies, panuwas, karapoththas, catterpillars, centepedes. fooof !! Sometimes, one or two cockroaches land on my face with the food left overs they have rescued. When you stirr it and try to flatten it the juice from the previous day's garbage pops out. Looks a bit like Black Current Jelly. Occasionaly I find some damn idiot has put polythene or paper into the dump. So, I pull them out with my bare hands. (was too lazy to buy a pair of gloves) I can get the awsome aromas of the various ingredients. I tell myself Body Shop must be smelling like this. (Never been there, never seen a board or a label for that matter, heard somewhere the word and what it is about)
Sometimes I call up my sister to guard the kitchen door while I throw the dirt. I always make it a point to call her when she's having dinner. Haha no better way to annoy her, if she refuses I go with the dirt baskets near her table. Match Over !! I've been told by some of my cousins to apply to the Municipal Council for a Job. My Father also tells incase my sole aim of climbing coconut trees goes for a six maybe this will help. (During school days, the hopeless, useless bugger I am, I was told, the way I am going Climbing coconut trees will be the only job left for me.)
Anyhow, pretty useful garbage disposal system. I am getting quite used to it. !!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
"We do that, We all earn the right to go home"

" I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save."
" I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the Alter of Freedom."
Abraham Lincoln
From The collected works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VIII, Letter to Mrs. Lydia Bixby (November 21, 1864, pp. 116-117)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Thought I was gone, something else was !!
I could not tell my freind who was standing next to me or my other friend in the bus seated a couple of rows behind. I can't afford to get the passengers panicked. confusion was taking its toll on me. who knows this guy could be some maniac out of his mind. Then he got down at Bambalapitiya Junction. I watched him cross the road and walk towards MC. I told my friend who was standing by me what happend. He took it for a joke. I think the girl seated next to me got scared listening to this. So I tried to act normal.I wasn't convinced who knows if he had set a time bomb to blow us up. Ideal targets could be a VIP or a crowded Junction. I was imagining how it would be to be blown to pieces.
Well, it was not yet time for me to go. However, anyone of you who roam the city, keep sharp. I Dunno he could be just a wayward man or who knows a prime suspect.
That was yesterday. Today, I was the one pressing the remote ? no my Mobile. I was checking the Cricket Match score. I read the score loud for a friend also to hear. Shit ! Then I put the Mob inside my bag since it could have fallen off my pocket. When I came home my Mob was gone !! Someone must be laughing at me for being such fool. (I did not notice some one had opened the side pocket zip and made the Mob vanish.) Awwww..... Now the fun begins. Inform the service provider, Police, and everyone I remember that was in my phone book. Happening..............!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
change ?? hmm....
This guy always says "Darwin said we must change" (tries to give the idea we have to change according to the examiner) and goes on whereas he is supposed to teach Accounting & Tax. Apparently he has done Biology for his A/L's (same school as I and 5,6 years senior. awww....) I hate Biology. I remember my mom pulling me by my ear and teaching me the Biology part of O/L Science. Brain refuses to take in anything Bio. Then he says, "Director says, put my wife on the Balance Sheet and depreciate her........" huh ?? how do I do dat ??
After some time he starts talking about putting Biological Assets in the Balance Sheet. My spoilt mind starts thinking. Hmmm... Noooo Damn it !! I manage to gather my thoughts and stay calm. Lecturer says "those are things like" (here we go....) "Karawila, Pathola, Wattakka....Agricultural stuff" Phew !! Few minutes go by. He says, "We have to change.... who says ?? Darwin !! The Mosquito changes, so must we.." again!!
He seem to be saying this every day and there are no signs of stopping. Terrible example for change. Would have been OK if the change is automatic. Problem is we have to kill ourselves to bring about the change. Well, here goes, another character. God only knows what sort of characters I might meet in the future !!
Monday, June 12, 2006
The SlipOff of the Year (So Far !!)
When we decided to come home, awww.. no one had come in a car ! so, called a cab. We were turning to Galle Road. I was seated at the back seat. I looked through the shutter and saw that it was very dark. No lights to be seen. There were two street lamps burning although it was very dim, it did not click me they were burning. I turned to the other side saying, "machang parey mey paththey light gihilla....". For a brief moment there was pin drop silence. Then whoa, the whole cab was roaring with laughter, even the cab driver. Their bellys about to burst with laughter. Dammit, I did not realize that the 2 back seat shutters were tinted.
Oh brother, that was the slip off of the year for me (so far !!). Promises all around. One guy promised to include this in next years Big Match souvenier. Another guy promised to write it in a "Bye potha". I assume that this would have been laughed over for so many times the next day (at the funeral). Well, so long for me, I meet these fellas after a long time and I manage to blow off the bellys. Feel like a damn idiot for saying what I've said, but 'da Hell !! I find solace in telling myelf "I've been blessed with the gift of making people laugh !!"
Monday, June 05, 2006
How to Pass Physics with Gin & Tonic

To add to the fun he mutters a statement from Albert Einstein,
(of course it is uttered with the drunkard touch)
"Ahaganing bung, Albert Einstein kiuwa",
"When I was descending that declimity,
With such an excessive velocity,
I lost my center of gravity,
And macadamise on the thoroughfare"
Match that !! Crazy old fool. I didn't know the damn secret of passing Physics as my uncle claims. Sometimes he starts to make a calculation of about a light bulb. (again after a shot)I often tell him "You might not have been able to complete that sum at your A/L's" sure as hell.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Muttur - Idea ??
OK hold it, Then we'll have to bring in Coalition Troops to see the backs of the Al Qaeda Fellows. Naaah Stupid Idea.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Barista Tale
My sister went for a wedding, and she, with a couple of freinds had gone to Barista. (Near Galle Face). I'm in for a suprise when she comes home and tells me "I think I saw .................." (Sloth). Me, suprised "da hell ?? that moron ??". She says, "yeah him with a GUY". Hmm................ Next day I inform him that he's been spotted. Amazed he confesses, admiting he saw a couple of girls, but did not focus on them well. Apparantly, the two of them gone there to play Scrabble !!. Then I tell my sister that I told Sloth that he's been spotted by her. Whoa !! here I am running round the house trying to avoid a beating, the TV Remote and the cover looking lethal all of a sudden. Thank God the broom stick was not to be found.
The next day Sloth pulls me up "Did you tell it was me ??" Me : "Yeah, I did. I almost got killed for telling you."
Hope she doesn't see this.Thank God she's not into blogging or else......... Sloth,......... buddy,............ u owe me an ear." ('Kaney Para kanna wei")
Bio - Fuel in Sri Lanka
"The Government of Sri Lanka plans to reduce human alcohol consumption and introduce an alcohol and petrol mixture, a type of bio-fuel to run ordinary vehicles - the three wheel Taxies, as a pilot project."........
The trishaws' gonna go gaga. I can imagine them zigzagging and about to topple..... hic ! ... hic !
Read more
Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Present
I remember getting a bottle of Pro Sport Cologne for one of my birthdays. (Thats the standard gift for any male over 15 in our area. I must'v got so many of them. Damn !!)Now there is an uncle (maniac, crazy dude !!) of mine who is our neighbour on the left of house. We went to his B'day and gave him the bottle of Pro Sport to him as a present.
Then there is another uncle (soft spoken, laid back person) who is our neighbour on the right side of our house. He had his B'day. Both these uncles are 'hata panala' (60+). The uncle on the left (maniac) celebrated his B''day agian and apparantely the uncle on the right(soft spoken) had given him a Bottle of Pro Sport Colognge as a present. It so happened to be, that it is the same thing I've given him (mainac), maniac gave softspoken and in turn has got it back. (I remember a specific mark on the bottle and the wrapping paper !!) The bottle of Pro Sport has done a round. Who knows how many rounds it has done before it reached me ??
My maniac uncle recieved another present from me. - a Gillette shaving foam I got from the UK. After about 3 months, when I visit him, he says "umba deepu shaving foam iwarai, geneng thawa ekak" (The shaving foam u gave is over, bring aother one) He'll hav to wait till my next B'day !!
No problem in Sri Lanka !!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Here's the Topic

Here,s the text

and here's the first reply

I am 99.99% sure the reply was by a Sri Lankan student. Typical.
I hav to say I wud'v said the same thing.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
DAMN NObody !! I HATE it.....
Happens all the time. Its too wired
Best part is after couple of hours or a good nap I laugh over it and realize what a fool I'v made of myself. I met a buddy of mine and while joking for a while he told me "machang mathakane... api awilla NAWA GILUNATH BAND CHOONE......."
Then I say "ow bung, ela kiri, ohoma yuuuung......... ohoma yuuuung......."
piece of advice : If any one is going through this situation. Just Calm Daown.... Hold on tight..... Don't lose control (Coz u won't b able to stop laughing at yourself) and.... Keep Goin !! It'll work.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
What's Your Opinion ??

While browsing I figured out that His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President George W. Bush seem to share share the same Birthday. (Only the day and the month not the year of course) 6th of July. He seem to agree with most of the policies of President Bush. For example the spreading of democracy in Nations. He has openly said that in Peru (to join President Bush in establishing Democracy in Nations.). Especially as the Latin American countries seem to drift to the Left Wing. (Leftist Politics.)
I can't understand why some Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka do not like him. Probably because he is campaining for Autonomy in Tibet. It is somewhat simmilar to the situation in Sri Lanka where the LTTE is asking for self determination. But the are clear differences between each case. May be to be consistent in each case. Or, is it that He is from the Mahayana Nikaya and Sri Lankans are mainly of the Theravada Nikaya. (what I mean is because of the different beliefs in those two Nikayas; No offence, Just trying to understand the situation Please correct me if I am wrong) If a person of such spiritual enlightnement agrees with the President there should be some truth in justifying (at least to a certain extent) some of his actions. (e.g. war in Iraq, Second World War ) Only time will tell whether it was the correct decision. I have to mention that I will never be able to come up with an explanation on justifying the death of all those innocent people.
Yes, I know most people will disagree. It is just an attempt to rationalize the situation. This view can be seriously flawed. Like I said only time will tell. A healthy argument would would be great even a consensus is not reached. After all there is not much we can do about the situation. We should be greatful to who ever or what ever that is responsible for giving us the freedom to Blog! In some countries like China there are so many restrictions. Freedom of speech and living in peace - The results of Democracy !!
Image Source - Wikipedia
Monday, May 08, 2006
So & So's So & So
Recently, I went for this wedding. I was going to get some water, this beautiful girl calls my name. I thought this can't be happening. She called my name again. When I turned round to see a familiar face. She said I am .....So & So. Another One !! A Girlfriend of one of my best friends. Damn I could not recognize. Then a relative explained that she happened to be So & So's So & So. I happend to be So & So's So & So. Then Her So & So is apparantly the Husband of my So & So and So & So and So & So. phew !!
It doesen't end there. Listening to all this is another aunty who asks "putha oyata thama nadda ?" Then I have to convince her that those are private stuff and all that crap. I can vaugely predict she's tryin to slam her daughter on me. ("aney ammo mata epa !") phew !! Escaped that moment. Have to find a strategy to counter these threats. When I come to my seat all my cousins are waiting to greet me with an "aaaaaaahhhhh who was that? kiyapang kiyapang" and "tell will you". Aiyo... I have to explain the whole thing again.
Never expected this type of things to come my way. Now I have to find a way to deal with it. One way is to portray my self as one stupid asshole. Another would be to tell that I'm taken by some bogus imaginary girl. But that would have repurcussions. Or else, do wut I do best Forget it !!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Evolution ?? Howcome ??
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
"Unnath ekai Malath ekai
api hamada somiye innawa
deiyo dani api nodani
marena dawasa kauru kiyanawa........."
seems to be what's going through some of the Sri Lankans' minds. Certainly goes through my mind. The uncertain days are here again. I get out of the house not knowing whether I will ever see home again. There could be a bomb in the train. But we don't seem to be vigilant about it either. Can't look at all the people in suspence. However, there are moments of peace as well. All dispairs dissappear when we pass, along the rail track, the heavenly abode in Mount, with the see on the other side, not only for me but for many, where you can find solace. It drives the pains away.
Last Friday there was a rumour that there was bomb close to our work place. Nobody including myself seem to be bothered. Everyone was laughing saying " Api mala". There were Army and Police personell with dogs running all over the place. The frequent hearing of the ambulance's siren is back. A man who sat next to me in the bus was telling me "Oya thamai Mahinda Chinthanaya" on hearing couple of ambulances passing by. (I think he was drunk) However I am positive that these times will pass and will not last. But who knows ??
It should not have happened this way.
It should have happened some otherway.
"Adareta ona deyak karanna hakilu
Salli nathath raja wenawalu......."
Friday, April 28, 2006
Democracy ? Freedom ?

Those who believe in God use the following words:
"I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me."
Others replace the words "swear by Almighty God" with "solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm".
source: Wikipedia
I believe that the option given for believers and non believers portrays Democracy and Freedom. Do other countries have it? I have no idea. But this is a fine example. There may be certain shortcomings in implementing a perfect system. However, the commitment seems to be genuine.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Guess Who ??

I never knew that Woody first appeared in an episode of Andy Panda. more... I am a cartoon fan and there are no signs of stopping. Kids nowadays are addicted to Wrestling. they do not seem to watch cartoons. So we, the wannabe kids watch them,I try not to miss the Woody Wood Pecker Show on weekdays on ART TV. There are loads of other kids stuff that we watch. Some of the Sinhala versions like Soorapappa (Asterix) and Kawdaboy (Lucky Luke) are real fun. I also have a friend who can laugh like Woddy "Guess Who.. Heeee Hawwww...Heeee Hawwww"
Image Source : Capital Comics
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Clay -MORE ??

The last few days saw the Claymore Mines taking their victims numbering over 50. Sounds like no point of De-mining as Re-minig seem to be happening at a faster rate. The Sri Lankan people have seen enough bloodshed due to the conflict. We've witnessed war for almost all of our short lifespan. We can coexist. Its the leaders who are greedy for power and a few brain washed maniacs who can't coexist. Why build fences around us when we all are human beings ? Are humans born to self destruct ? We would not face another tommorow if not for the brave souls who gave up theirs in the name of freedom. It'll take ages when we realize that "Front Towards Enemy" is actually "Front Towards Friend,Brother,Sister, ......"
"They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old,
age shall not wither them nor the years condemn;
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them ..."
Monday, April 17, 2006
Perfect Directions
dog: hey chk this out
sloth: hey
dog: wut d u think ?
sloth: err interesting
sloth: are you there?
dog: not yet
sloth: yo'
sloth: that day i went to Puba restaurant
sloth: just near mount hotel
dog: havnt heard
sloth: dodgy joint
dog: on the beach
sloth: had to cross the railway tracks where this guy stood with a torch
sloth: yeah
dog: and wut did he do wit the torch ?
sloth: he put it up my ass!
dog: and u ran 2 the see to put it off
dog: where did u park ?
sloth: near the track
sloth: s
dog: on college avenue
sloth: no
sloth: near the damn tracks
dog: where abt i mean a landmark near the placee u parkd
sloth: a coconut tree
dog: ah right i remember the spot that kinda tall coconut tree
dog : near the tracks
dog: it has coconuts in it
dog: its kinda slanted
sloth: yeah yeah
sloth: you the dog!
dog: you the sloth right?
dog: hey and there was a guy holdin a torch?
sloth: err yeah
dog: so wut did u do there ?
sloth: i drank a bit
sloth: then we went to eat at pilawoos
dog: only u drank and the others watched u drink ?
sloth: they drank too
dog: wut did u hav ? OLD ? gal or pol
sloth: lion
dog: is there a lion in you now ?
sloth: i think so
dog: bad joint ?
sloth: not too bad
dog: were there a lot of ppl ?
sloth: not much
sloth: just another table
dog: private spot eh?
sloth: yeap
dog: only guys ?
sloth: some dodgy looking girls were there too
dog: wonder who ?
dog: tell u wut I'm gonna blog this conversation
sloth: no, don't!
dog: I'll censor some of it
sloth: don't
dog: wuts wrong ?
sloth: ok just kidding
dog: ahhhhh thats more like it
Get a few more of these guys to giv you directions and that'll send you down under
Friday, April 14, 2006
"He who awakens the gods of the air,........."

Isn't it a coincidence ? The brightest star in the night sky. The Dog is also described as "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain." by the ancient people. more...
How to fnd "SIRIUS" - the Dog Star

source: Pets Love Shack
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
What a Blunder
Man, today was a terrible experience. I had to go with my dad to the Big City (Cargills Food City in town) to buy some stuff. On our way we thought we'll pump some Petrol. There was a long queue. When my chance came dad got out and went to get some Break Oil. After a while I saw the Man who was pumpin juice seem to have finished the job. Then I thought I heard the guy at the back toot the horn. I quickly strarted the car and was goin forward when there was a lauuuud thud on the back of the car. The pumping man was hittin the car like crazy. Then I realized 'Oh brother', he was still pumpin. If not for him I wud 'av taken the pump with me. I stopped. That man was swearing at me. The whole Petrol Shed was staring at me. Then came my dad and he blasted me to pieces in front of everyone. "You wud'av taken whole pump with you, see you still can't drive"
Thought that was it and came to Big City. Dad wanted to by some Beer. We were at the queue for the liquor store. Then heard "Old Iwarai, Old Iwarai" (Old Arrack is over) so many dissapointed souls got out of the queue. Dad waited to collect the bottles and I was pulled by a sales guy and was directed to pay for them. Thoroughly confused I paid and came back to the liquor store, loaded the bottles into a bag and I saw 2 more bottles on the table. I tried to take them as well. Surprisingly they were empty. Then I hear a voice "Hey they are mine" shouts an old gentleman.
Well then I had keep guard for the bottles(8 bottles) while my father went to look for Cornetto for my sister. I was standing at the entrance with the bottles with the whole crowd (people entering the super market and ppl at the counter - err I was facing all the counters) staring at me. Then I saw a parishioner of our church (I think he is a Warden) with his wife and two young daughters. He looked at me then at the Beer bottles and looked away.(may be not to cause any embarrasment). Must 'av told himself "Gee I thought this guy was a sober dude. Better keep my daughters away from him"
Thats not all, in a little while an old man comes next to me and looks at me.. then he looks at the bottles.. again he looks at me... again he looks a the bottles. (8 bottles) Crazy old fool I know what he was thinkin. "Can this guy pour all that beer down his throat ?"
Man, I've had enough of it. What a day What a Blunder !!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Another Donation

Guess these are those New SLTB buses on the Road. (Painted in Red). Never thought they were "Environmentally Substandard". Here goes another Donation. Wonder whether we'll have to suffer the envoronmental consequences in time to come. I feel these buses hav got some sort of shock absorbers unlike the Lanka Ashok Leyland. On Monday I went in one of these new buses and its shocks seem to have deteriorated. (I'm not quite sure whether the driver was drunk) With 150 new ones on sri Lankan roads, "God help us now !"
source :
Whom I was angry with ??
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Great Quotes
Abraham Lincoln (16th president of US)
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
"Force is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived."
"I will prepare and some day my chance will come"
"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
The quotations page
Sir Winston Churchill
"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."
My Early Life, 1930
"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."
Radio speech, 1939
"For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else."
speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet, London, November 9, 1954
"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to
force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
Speech, 1941, Harrow School
"Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed."
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
The Quotations Page
My Favourites
"Never, never, never give up."
"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival."
Sir Winston Churchill
" I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the Alter of Freedom."
Abraham Lincoln
From The collected works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VIII, Letter to Mrs. Lydia Bixby (November 21, 1864, pp. 116-117)
"Look around you. In the 7th Cavalry, we got a Captain from the Ukraine. Another from Puerto Rico. We've got Japanese, Chinese, Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indians, Jews and Gentiles -- all Americans. Now here in the States, some men in this Unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed. But for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the 'valley of the shadow of death' -- where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours. And you won't care what color he is or by what name he calls God."
"They say we're leavin' home. We're goin' to what home was always supposed to be. So let us understand the situation. We are goin' into battle against a tough and determined enemy. I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive. But this I swear before you and before Almighty God: That when we go into battle, I will be the first to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to stop off. And I will leave no one behind."
"Dead or alive, we will all come home together."
"So help me God."
Lieutenant Colonel Harold "Hal" G. Moore: Address to the 7th Cavalry
"We Were Soldiers" (2002)
Monday, February 27, 2006
AAAAARRRGHHHH GRRRRRR.............. I knew I'll FORGET that !
Then on your way to work you remember that SOMETHING. You also Remember ............. "AAAAARRRGHHHH GRRRRRR.............. I knew I'll FORGET that !"
What a shame I've been keeping it in my mind all morning knowing I'll forget that, UNTIL.........
the time I got out of the house.
I sure do remember all of those times but still FORGRET what I had to remember.