Oh Brother, the Tigers managed to put a bird up over Katunayake. So they haven’t been watching the Bermuda Bangladesh Match to off load the bombs at Midnight. Hmm or was it during the break?? Which means they don’t care who goes to the Super eight. Anyway they can watch the highlights. I’m thinking, since they boast of having an Air Wing, why not a Cricket Team. Now now this is no Joke. Hope everything settles down. Grievances to those who lost loved ones and hope the wounded will be out of danger. Spare a thought for them.
On Saturday morning I was browsing through the TV channels and stumbled upon MAX TV broadcasting an Indian News Program (NDTV) The Host was speaking to many correspondents from various parts of India regarding Friday’s World Cup Cricket Match. Everyone including the correspondents and the Host was dejected and commenting Negative. They spoke to various people who said they are disappointed and are dejected the fact that they watched the match. One woman said “c’mon we Lost to the Lankan Tigers” wot the…. We aren’t Tigers, but Lions and are as good as any professional Cricket team. That woman should learn to present her fact accurately rather than vomiting emotion. Take That!!
Then they asked a young fan what she has to say. I little girl of about 8 years with her hands folded said the most amazing thing, “Wining and Losing are part of the Game. Let’s hope for better luck next time.” She had the courage to be different. WOW. That was very sweet!! (Certain words are not in my vocabulary, especially ‘sweet’, but on this occasion it seems suitable) They should learn a lesson from our people also how take victory and defeat. Anyhoooo GO Sri Lanka…. !!
Today morning I remembered that 25th was my cousin's birthday. So I rang him up.
Me :Hello Aiya, many happy returns of Yesterday !!
Cousin : Why ??
Me : Yesterday, 25th, I couldn’t wish you for your Birthday……….
Cousin : April, April, aiyooooooo
Me : Ahhh…. Sorry sorry sorry……OK Then…. C U….
Kept the receiver down and remembered I asked my mom about his birthday yesterday and she told me it was on the 25th of APRIL. I wondered why nobody wished him. It did not click me still it was March. When I told this to my Father he was laughing like mad. Also my maniac uncle (Cousin’s Father reffered to in Gin & Tonic, Present) is gonna bully me with this for years. I’m one dead Dog. For people don’t know me that well, this is quite common dumb-ass, tubelight shit I happen to do on and off. I don’t believe it. I was convinced it was April !!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sorrow – Memories – Happiness

Recently, I went to a funeral where one of my school batch mate’s Father has passed away. Quite a lot of my batch mates have lost one parent, in most cases it’s the Dad. In school days when someone’s parent passes away it is a huge scene. Now, after going for so many funerals (friends, family, neighbors) its sorta becoming not much of an issue. “Its going to happen someday, just that may be it was a bit fast forwarded.” Seems to be the feeling. As we grow up, I guess this is how we are supposed to feel. Even if a very close relative passes away, it is becoming increasingly hard to pull a tear outa my eyes. But definitely feel for the remaining family members as they have to pull up their socks and go on in life. Guess I’ve come to terms with it that everyone including my loved ones gonna go someday expectedly or unexpectedly, when their time is right. Last time a tear popped out… hmmm when was it?? Yeah…. I was in an utterly helpless situation after doing everything in my capacity regarding an issue. It was tough and dangerous. But, not due to sorrow or heartache.
While speaking to R (this guy whose Father passed away) he recalled an incident that took place in our school days. It was quite close to our O Levels. We had a religion class conducted by the Chaplain at that time. It was there from about 7.30 – 10.00 A.M. After that, two friends and my self came to the bus halt to go home. One guy was after Fitness (First XI guys had fitness training from 5 – 7.30 A.M. I think ) All of us were hungry and bored to death after studying. So this Cricketing friend suggested we go to R’s place. R did not come for the class as he took another subject for Religion. OK so we went there but did not know the exact location of his house. We went close by and started shouting his name. He came out screaming don’t shout.
We went into his house and said we were hungry. He said there’s nothing to eat at home. We went and opened his fridge and pantry cupboards. Since there was nothing to eat, we plucked Kurumba (young Coconut) and drank and also ate the flesh of it. MMmm Yum Yum.... I think one guy emptied the last bit of grub there was at home. R was mad at us and was grumbling and wanted us out of the house saying his parents will blast him. We were still hungry. So we dragged him to the bakery on top of the road and filled our stomachs on his behalf. I grabbed a Maalu Paan (Fish Bun). The other two had Beef buns I think. Any way we were laughing throughout the whole drama. Then we told the Bakery owner, “Mudalaali, mey mahaththaya hawasta salli gewai” (Mr. owner, this guy will pay you in the evening) Apparently he knows the owner well. He did not have money to pay at that time. We never refunded him either. It was so damn mean and ruthless but fun too. R was also laughing as he was taken for a byte. Look what we’ve done given the fact that we were after Religion Lessons.
After recalling this incident, we laughed at will, forgetting the fact that it was a funeral. It managed to take away his sorrow at least for a moment. He said “Yako….Umbala edaa maawa iwara karaa ….” (You guys ripped me off that day. You maniacs) Then he gives me the kinda look “Oh God you are not trying to do that again now are you?” Then he settles down with the kinda look “The other two maniacs who were involved aren’t here. So no probs” heh heh….. College memories, they are fit for any occasion to change the mood. I’m sure if we live to see our hair go Grey, we’d still be talking about these incidents, like kids. It’s a great feeling when we get to see old school friends. Talk abt all the mischief and unforgettable incidents. Sure prescribed dose of Sorrow Busters !!
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Double Game

Do we really have to play it ?? Be one person at work and another at home. Or maybe show so many different faces to so many different people. Business is Business and family life is another thing. It’s an age old question. Where do we find the answers ?? We live on this earth to make money or do we live for the sake of living, orrrrr we earn to make a living ??
At the outset I’d like to say the person I’m gonna talk about would be a hypothetical one with a bit of reality intertwined. If any one feels its good movie-worthy material, grab it dude…. NO hard feelings. NO need of any credits. After all inspiration has to spring from somewhere isn’t it (If not from you) heh heh….
Business is Business. It means profits, money. Money Money Money. Money is his God. And it blesses him with belongings, relationships and of course The (rotten) eeego. Each day it’s a case of Lies, Half Truths, Disfigured Opinions, Cut Throats and Kick Backs. No love lost I should say. How the hell can we live like this in our personal lives ?? We do need to look more descent as there’s a lot at stake. Family Values,Respect etc.. etc..
The way business takes place it is near impossible to be sincere, honest at the same time be profitable in business and make money. He gives it all to cut a deal. How many lies, how many threats and persuasions, under hand commissions for the deal to get through. After all it ensures his survival (also his employees and his family) Which of these issues were at the back of his mind when he struck the deal. Maybe one, two or none of them. We’ll never know.
However, he does business professionally. He does not take part in petty personal feuds or jealous ass kickin. Only morons who pose a real threat and are at his throat would be dealt with. And the kick is boxed artfully with no traces left behind. It’s like the Cobra. He attacks only if provoked. No shitty actions as we see a lot in SL. There’s no point in engaging in them. No apologies. Coz its nothing personal Its just business. Sometimes he willingly delays someone and apologizes for protocol sake. He doesn’t give a shit. And the other also knows that it’s just protocol. And there’s nothing he can do about it other than accept the apology.
Now here’s a small business trick. You didn’t hear it from me. Okay ?? Some businessmen leave no traces and have no personal assets to their names. This allows them to vanish craftily. They get a vehicle on lease. (It’s an Operational Lease and not a Finance Lease where the ownership is with the lessor and maintenance is also done by the lessor.) All his purchases are done by credit card and the bill settled later. He would not own any local bank accounts and will not reveal the Foreign Bank Accounts. All traces leading to his money is nicely hidden. Furthermore, he would have another car to a relative’s name and the house belongs to the spouse. Thus at any moment he would say tata, bye to the Bank and Leasing Company and he’s free to leave all and his family and go into hiding provided he has the balls, bats and stumps to be so damn ruthless.
Sometimes his life is in danger. He deals with brokers (intermediaries who expect commissions from both sides for setting up the deal between the buyer and seller) and at times, the broker is given the boot. Hell freezes over when they come looking for him to kill or strip him off his money. These kinda rotten ropes are a norm to him. He also takes all the precautions to associate only with the right people and cut all contact with people who do not associate to him strategically. He also makes sure that his business dealings would in no way hinder the operations of his most reliable contacts.
I find it real hard to balance the two persons. I am not so open to such extreme business dealings. However we have to do the day to day chores of being the nasty guy. Anyone who is working, would agree with me, in saying, we aren’t completely honest at work, and we try to save our ass from certain situations. It is terrible where you can’t open up and talk to a person and you have to hold back so many details, and not be sincere and also talk at arm’s length. Sometimes in our personal lives also we have to take part in this kind of ass protection. Gone are the days where we meet a guy, chat for a while and suddenly become life long friends. We can’t blame anyone for it either. Brings to my memory the movie Road to Perdition. How a hitman's son witnesses what his father does for a living He also had a beautiful family which he loves so much. It kills him to see the effects of his actions hitting back at his family. Great Movie.
Well, I say again I was referring to an imaginary, phantom character (reffered to as ‘He’) Hell, its not me. I wish we could stay without playing the game. That’s what we should strive to achieve. (of course try to be the better person of the two) We can’t change the way the clock of the world is turning. That also does not mean we need to do all the beastly stuff that we feel we need to do to survive. Somethings wrong in the world or is it the way it was meant to be ??
On a different note I just happened to search for “self-deprecation” in Urban. Was very much amused by some of the definitions of the “self-“ words. Check ‘em out on your left hand side when you visit the above URL. (if ur up for wasting some time)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Set an Example – Who ME ??
NO WAY !! Being the eldest in the family is not easy, believe me. We need to act responsible as the younger are always on the watch to copy from us. All our Hideous, Notorious, Mischievous, Shady deeds have to be covered up. A slight mistake would come down hard at me with the additional “look, you need to be an example; the younger would follow you in doing the same” advise. This is crazy. Can’t they look up to someone else ??
I’ve noticed if I utter the (your’s truly) “F” word once (accidentally), my sister would have tried to say it a ten times later. Might seem no big deal but over here it’s not a norm to hear it. And there’s this moron cousin of mine who’s not yet 18 who is staying with us. I’m told he tries to follow my ways. Wot the hek !! I normally prefer the uncivilized style. Jungle Law !! Of course I know how to behave. I balance it out in maintaining discipline in quite a lot of areas. But I enjoy the “I want to live, laaaaike animals” theme. Be a bit Barbaric and so on. Be the normal ragged rowdy person…but, with a difference, knowing where to draw the damn lines.
I hate to look the prim and proper, clean shaven, hair combed, pimple-less face having, Sales Executive or Insurance Guy. I have some friends whose girl friends see to that they trim their finger nails, dress well and so on. They do have the “Well Looked After, Cared For” look all over them. Heh heh I don’t envy them…. At all…. and me, Total Opposite. Who the dawwg !!…. I sometimes think whether it is too much of disciplining that makes me like to be very care free.
Thing is, people and these younger morons need to learn the basics of discipline. We learnt it the Hard.Tough and Painful way. So I know when to adjust when I feel I’m heading off course and that confidence that comes with it of knowing you could always revert to the Correct Path incase you drifted a bit. The basics should be Rock Solid. Also then there’s no need to copy or be someone else. You can be your VERY OWN SELF. I have only one piece of advice to these people who look up to me, DON’T. I’m a terrible example and don’t grow up to be like me. C’mon dude Get Real !! BE YA SELF!!
Yeaaahoooo.... wot a weekend can't get any better than this. Almost missed the last wicket also. Barely made it in time. I've got a pic of the awards ceremony - Thora Captain receiving the Hon. D. S. Senanayake sheild (taken from the Grand Stand) will try to put it up. Thinking of uploading some photos. If time permits and I can dig them out of my Mob.
I’ve noticed if I utter the (your’s truly) “F” word once (accidentally), my sister would have tried to say it a ten times later. Might seem no big deal but over here it’s not a norm to hear it. And there’s this moron cousin of mine who’s not yet 18 who is staying with us. I’m told he tries to follow my ways. Wot the hek !! I normally prefer the uncivilized style. Jungle Law !! Of course I know how to behave. I balance it out in maintaining discipline in quite a lot of areas. But I enjoy the “I want to live, laaaaike animals” theme. Be a bit Barbaric and so on. Be the normal ragged rowdy person…but, with a difference, knowing where to draw the damn lines.
I hate to look the prim and proper, clean shaven, hair combed, pimple-less face having, Sales Executive or Insurance Guy. I have some friends whose girl friends see to that they trim their finger nails, dress well and so on. They do have the “Well Looked After, Cared For” look all over them. Heh heh I don’t envy them…. At all…. and me, Total Opposite. Who the dawwg !!…. I sometimes think whether it is too much of disciplining that makes me like to be very care free.
Thing is, people and these younger morons need to learn the basics of discipline. We learnt it the Hard.Tough and Painful way. So I know when to adjust when I feel I’m heading off course and that confidence that comes with it of knowing you could always revert to the Correct Path incase you drifted a bit. The basics should be Rock Solid. Also then there’s no need to copy or be someone else. You can be your VERY OWN SELF. I have only one piece of advice to these people who look up to me, DON’T. I’m a terrible example and don’t grow up to be like me. C’mon dude Get Real !! BE YA SELF!!
Yeaaahoooo.... wot a weekend can't get any better than this. Almost missed the last wicket also. Barely made it in time. I've got a pic of the awards ceremony - Thora Captain receiving the Hon. D. S. Senanayake sheild (taken from the Grand Stand) will try to put it up. Thinking of uploading some photos. If time permits and I can dig them out of my Mob.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Two in One
I was to post them separately. But, couldn't find the time. Its a bunch load of crap that happened to me. Don't read unless you're bored to death. heh heh So here it is.
On a Saturday I was walking on the road to go for classes suddenly I stepped on a Katussa.- Cameleon (with my left leg) The lizard jumped in the air (outa pure shock !!) and when I was bringing my left foot forward he was about to land on it. So I swung the left leg in the air and after a while regained my balance. Can’t remember the last time I swung my foot and successfully kicked a Goal !! People behind must haves thought I was in a circus. The lizards are supossed to attack when provoked. I dunno how I escaped.
After I came home and had dinner, I had my usual glass of water. Then I shook the cup to wipe out the water. It slipped and knocked the sink. Then it bumped on the sink and defying my valiant effort to catch by one hand, it fell on the ground and went to pieces. Aiyoo…. my Seylan Mug. (Seylan Bank in Sri Lanka started “Tikiri” Savings Account for small children in the good old 90’s and when the saving reached a particular level they gave all kinda gifts) I used this for about 10 years. Actually I broke my own Seylan Mug and this was my Sister’s mug which I started to use. She ain’t aware of it I guess.) I was very very upset. sob…sob…. sniff sniff…. woof woof !! Even my mom noticed it. I should have been happy because I had received a letter for a Job Interview in a reputed Company. I never get hurt for things. Even If I’m heavily criticized or someone did some shit thing to me. But this made me really upset.
I know this sounds really Baby-ish. Wot the hek to do?? I miss my Seylan Mug. I still go looking for it outa habbit. Ok ok enough crap. Sounds soppy is it ?? anyway I didn’t cry. Hahahahah huh huh haaa !!
Stealing the Wishes
Been verrrrrry (yeah veri as in ‘cut wela’ almost) busy these days, so was too lazy to sit and transfer my million Terabytes of thoughts through the keyboard, into the Blogsphere. Anyweeez, I managed to gather some thought to Jam the keys. So here it is.
One day this week, a Director from one of our constituent companies came to our office. He wanted me to do some work and I managed to do it pretty quick. Before he left, he met our boss and came out of his room and said, “Thanks Machang” then I looked up and I saw him looking at me. So I said, “No probs, you’re welcome” (of course thinking the Thanks were for me). Then he sorta frowned. To see, he had thanked Boss and not me. Whoa.. take it easy dude……..
I remember another incident where I went to school for an occasion. Some of our friends (including me) were talking to one of our former Masters. He as usual was asking about each ones progress and career. When we were about to leave I got a lift from a guy who was a bout to do his A/L’s in a weeks time. While we were getting into his car, our master said “All the best”. AGAIN !! I said “Thank you sir” (again thinking he was wishing me good luck in my future endeavors) To see he had wished the guy who was to do his A/L’s. Then sir was signaling as if “not you men, that bugger” shit, dammit…. I’ve done it again !!
I think it’s a fundamental problem in my Brain’s processor. My reflexes are so damn quick I act before I think or process the situation. It’s embarrassing at times. It helps at times when a speeding crow comes right at me to duck in time. Also, to avoid the sudden obstacle on the road like falling branches, trishaw maniacs and the random punch from a pedestrian trying to open his / her umbrella and so on….. delete files in the computer without thinking, open up the wrong files in a hurry can be added on to it. How my diagnosis, Pretty accurate huh ?? Only problem is I still haven’t taken action to rectify the situation.
On a Saturday I was walking on the road to go for classes suddenly I stepped on a Katussa.- Cameleon (with my left leg) The lizard jumped in the air (outa pure shock !!) and when I was bringing my left foot forward he was about to land on it. So I swung the left leg in the air and after a while regained my balance. Can’t remember the last time I swung my foot and successfully kicked a Goal !! People behind must haves thought I was in a circus. The lizards are supossed to attack when provoked. I dunno how I escaped.
After I came home and had dinner, I had my usual glass of water. Then I shook the cup to wipe out the water. It slipped and knocked the sink. Then it bumped on the sink and defying my valiant effort to catch by one hand, it fell on the ground and went to pieces. Aiyoo…. my Seylan Mug. (Seylan Bank in Sri Lanka started “Tikiri” Savings Account for small children in the good old 90’s and when the saving reached a particular level they gave all kinda gifts) I used this for about 10 years. Actually I broke my own Seylan Mug and this was my Sister’s mug which I started to use. She ain’t aware of it I guess.) I was very very upset. sob…sob…. sniff sniff…. woof woof !! Even my mom noticed it. I should have been happy because I had received a letter for a Job Interview in a reputed Company. I never get hurt for things. Even If I’m heavily criticized or someone did some shit thing to me. But this made me really upset.
I know this sounds really Baby-ish. Wot the hek to do?? I miss my Seylan Mug. I still go looking for it outa habbit. Ok ok enough crap. Sounds soppy is it ?? anyway I didn’t cry. Hahahahah huh huh haaa !!
Stealing the Wishes
Been verrrrrry (yeah veri as in ‘cut wela’ almost) busy these days, so was too lazy to sit and transfer my million Terabytes of thoughts through the keyboard, into the Blogsphere. Anyweeez, I managed to gather some thought to Jam the keys. So here it is.
One day this week, a Director from one of our constituent companies came to our office. He wanted me to do some work and I managed to do it pretty quick. Before he left, he met our boss and came out of his room and said, “Thanks Machang” then I looked up and I saw him looking at me. So I said, “No probs, you’re welcome” (of course thinking the Thanks were for me). Then he sorta frowned. To see, he had thanked Boss and not me. Whoa.. take it easy dude……..
I remember another incident where I went to school for an occasion. Some of our friends (including me) were talking to one of our former Masters. He as usual was asking about each ones progress and career. When we were about to leave I got a lift from a guy who was a bout to do his A/L’s in a weeks time. While we were getting into his car, our master said “All the best”. AGAIN !! I said “Thank you sir” (again thinking he was wishing me good luck in my future endeavors) To see he had wished the guy who was to do his A/L’s. Then sir was signaling as if “not you men, that bugger” shit, dammit…. I’ve done it again !!
I think it’s a fundamental problem in my Brain’s processor. My reflexes are so damn quick I act before I think or process the situation. It’s embarrassing at times. It helps at times when a speeding crow comes right at me to duck in time. Also, to avoid the sudden obstacle on the road like falling branches, trishaw maniacs and the random punch from a pedestrian trying to open his / her umbrella and so on….. delete files in the computer without thinking, open up the wrong files in a hurry can be added on to it. How my diagnosis, Pretty accurate huh ?? Only problem is I still haven’t taken action to rectify the situation.
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