Monday, April 17, 2006

Perfect Directions

All characters mentioned below are imaginery. NO offence !

dog: hey chk this out
sloth: hey
dog: wut d u think ?
sloth: err interesting
sloth: are you there?
dog: not yet
sloth: yo'
sloth: that day i went to Puba restaurant
sloth: just near mount hotel
dog: havnt heard
sloth: dodgy joint
dog: on the beach
sloth: had to cross the railway tracks where this guy stood with a torch
sloth: yeah
dog: and wut did he do wit the torch ?
sloth: he put it up my ass!
dog: and u ran 2 the see to put it off
dog: where did u park ?
sloth: near the track
sloth: s
dog: on college avenue
sloth: no
sloth: near the damn tracks
dog: where abt i mean a landmark near the placee u parkd
sloth: a coconut tree
dog: ah right i remember the spot that kinda tall coconut tree
dog : near the tracks
dog: it has coconuts in it
dog: its kinda slanted
sloth: yeah yeah
sloth: you the dog!
dog: you the sloth right?
dog: hey and there was a guy holdin a torch?
sloth: err yeah
dog: so wut did u do there ?
sloth: i drank a bit
sloth: then we went to eat at pilawoos
dog: only u drank and the others watched u drink ?
sloth: they drank too
dog: wut did u hav ? OLD ? gal or pol
sloth: lion
dog: is there a lion in you now ?
sloth: i think so
dog: bad joint ?
sloth: not too bad
dog: were there a lot of ppl ?
sloth: not much
sloth: just another table
dog: private spot eh?
sloth: yeap
dog: only guys ?
sloth: some dodgy looking girls were there too
dog: wonder who ?
dog: tell u wut I'm gonna blog this conversation
sloth: no, don't!
dog: I'll censor some of it
sloth: don't
dog: wuts wrong ?
sloth: ok just kidding
dog: ahhhhh thats more like it

Get a few more of these guys to giv you directions and that'll send you down under


Darwin said...

Lost dogs in Darwin...ah the irony!

dogfight said...

Ah the coincidence ! wut a tragedy ! wut a place to get lost in. (May SIRIUS giv them hope) Look wut its done to the maniac who is givin directions.