Sunday, July 22, 2007

History....Re-think ??

First time I'm posting two at once. Maybe due to the drought of posts in the recent past. Anyway here goes....

I heard an opinion on how our country got to the state we are in. Supported by statistics, It is clear that since the British left, the exchange rate (take US$ and GBP for instance) increased with sudden rises in the 60s and 70s. Basically the people who ruled the country ruined it because of their greed for power, ego and money. All of them. It is a fact that our country was ruled by a few wealthy high class families. Still is (maybe not the current leader). And all the booming businesses were handed to the relatives, friends and associates. Our grand parents’ generation would have led a quality life as they enjoyed the immediate good quality of life left by the British, even an ordinary citizen who worked in the civil service. But not the current generation of ordinary people. (I’m just unfolding this opinion, I’m yet to agree with it but the facts are true.)

It goes on to say that our struggle for freedom was not the one that brought about our freedom. But since the British had no reason to stay here after giving independence to India, they left giving independence to Sri Lanka as well. Which makes Mahatma Ghandi the orchestrator our own independence as well. This is alarming but if it is the truth, its damning. Even the rebellions that came along were a single person’s objective (dishonest of course) actioned by the youth who believed the leaders were genuine. Our country seem to have a fine line of traitors (most of them in the higher planes of society at those times) who changed their religion(for individual and political gain), who betrayed the kings and also tipped off the ordinary people’s rebellions such as Weera Puran Appu, Gongaley Goda Banda and the brave Buddhist Monks, to the British.

Enough for now I will continue this discussion in future as there are so many strings attached to this. Also it goes on to rethink our history. I kept it very brief as I'm stuck for time. I’m definitely gonna research more on this.


Lady divine said...

hey dogfight!!!

nice to see you have you been??? whats new? :-)

hope u've been a good boy..;-)

dogfight said...

oh yayyy....

great to say a word or two. hmmm.... I've not been particularly good the past few days. was pretty mean.

nothing new n terms of u know....
Only happening was my seat in office was moved to the next building. heh heh !!

Lady divine said...

you've been tagged

Anonymous said...

I guess poor leadership has been the bane of Lanka for too long. You know the Gal Oya project (Senanayake Samudra) was funded by our own money? That's how much reserves we we can't build a school without foreign aid.

dogfight said...

Thats Good Stuff !! (hey I din't know that) Very True.... Our People would defenitely follow a Charismatic Leader. If He/She honestly serves the purpose I reckon we'll be a force to be dealt with in the Global Arena. We can Always Rise from the Ashes !! - If we are determined....