Tuesday, December 12, 2006

B - L - A - N - K      take that !!

I Love this look !! The blank look. NO emotions wot-so-eva !! I perfected it over coupla months. It drives people crazy. I mean they don't know what to make out of my expression. It comes real handy when dealing with people. It helps me to control my emotions and deal with it peacefully and in a logical manner later. From office people to bus conductors to random strangers and even family memebers are foxed and become defunct and become totally helpless.

Whoa !! I'm gonna do this all the time. Still didn't get bitch-slapped or kick-boxed for doing it. I really like it when girls don't know what to make out of it. Normally they read people very well. Some times I mix it with a Gal Look to chase off trouble from unwanted company. Lets see how it goes. I don't think its a good idea to put a picture of my face with the Blank Look because, for the blogger world who knows me in such a way, would have a terrible time with unstoppable laughter !!


Anonymous said...

i would love to see a pic..you should have a BEFORE and AFTER pic...the BEFORE would portray how you normally look and the AFTER would be your "BLANK LOOK"...lol..

btw, what lead to you developing this "BLANK LOOK" in the first place? - LADY DIVINE

dogfight said...

Oh.. Ok... I'm warnin u don't wanna do dat..

I developed this so dat in arguments, when dealing with people i can,

- buy time for 2 mak a betr decision (I'm slow ya know !!)
- not giv out the wrong impression

Anonymous said...

I raise my left eyebrow, apparently that's all I need to do to convey my sarcastic and cynical response:D

dogfight said...

hey thats an art raising one eye brow without shakin the other !!

Anonymous said...

LOL!..Sweet!!! (Even though I have no idea what you look like)..Reminded me of a friend who does that and the look drove me nuts. IMO it's annoying + sweet!

dogfight said...

jinx : Yo, Sweet ?? I don't think so .... yeah.. surely annoying !! what'll happen if ur friend and I did that 2 each othter!! sweet ?? annoying ?? hahaha....