Saturday, December 30, 2006

sleepin with Whi - s - key

What a way to end the year. Poof !! Today, one of my dad's friend’s daughter is tyin the knot. Last night we went to their house and brought a load of liquor for the wedding and kept it at our place. The dude trusts us (my dad and …yeah me) for some reason to keep the lot at our place. There were bytes as well. Since there is a Rat in pantry section, the bottles and bytes were kept in my room, and dad wanted them to be kept under my bed for extra safety. Whoa !! I slept with 9 Bottles of 1 Litre RED LABEL and a 1 Litre Champagne bottle. My father was scared of thieves breakin in. Only thing forgot to get scared of was me doing a way with one or two or me breaking a bed pole and falling over the bottles in my sleep.

However, the bottles were safe under my bed through the night. I informed True Maniac about this who wanted me Blog about it. Too bad I cannot put up a pic of all this. I wouldn't be able to finish a quater of a bottle. Damn !! So was thinkin of having my friends or the blogger topperrrs over here. heh heh !!. However, I am not invited for the wedding. Hahahaha !!!!

Thoughts of gate-crashing, but no need. Most of the people know me and that I’m not invited. So too dangerous !! Some guys I know love gate-crashing. Some go to weddings and if liquor is not served, the go to another wedding in the same hotel, fill their tanks and comes back to the correct wedding for the dinner. Well the wedding is goin on while I’m posting this. Hope the topperrrs are making merry….

There’s also this problem of the new Legislation regarding smoking in public places. The smokers are not sure whether they are allowed to smoke or not in the Hotel. There had been many cases where the Police had filed cases against many people smoking in public but the case was dropped because the cops could not prove it was a public place. There are also cases of security officers allowing a puff (in prohibited places) while they where also gifted with a few Cigarettes. Man, what a life !! Any way no problem in Sri Lanka !!


Lady divine said...

wish you a very happy new year!!!:-)

dogfight said...

U2 !!

Anonymous said...

No smoking on the streets? I think the wheelers do more damage.

dogfight said...

yeah tru.. wonder how the cops gonna prove that they do it in a public place !!

Venus-Metamorphosed said...

Happy new year!

its good if the smoking ban is adhered to, without people being allowed puffs if they hand out cigs!

dogfight said...

Wish u the Same !!

well.. we'll hav 2 wait & c....