Saturday, June 17, 2006

change ?? hmm....

I seem to be meeting all kinds of characters these days. Some, known individuals seem to take another character. I'm not really sure whether I'm going bonkers or not. Well here's another one of them. This lecturer (where I go for classes) seem to have a fascination for Charles Darwin.

This guy always says "Darwin said we must change" (tries to give the idea we have to change according to the examiner) and goes on whereas he is supposed to teach Accounting & Tax. Apparently he has done Biology for his A/L's (same school as I and 5,6 years senior. awww....) I hate Biology. I remember my mom pulling me by my ear and teaching me the Biology part of O/L Science. Brain refuses to take in anything Bio. Then he says, "Director says, put my wife on the Balance Sheet and depreciate her........" huh ?? how do I do dat ??

After some time he starts talking about putting Biological Assets in the Balance Sheet. My spoilt mind starts thinking. Hmmm... Noooo Damn it !! I manage to gather my thoughts and stay calm. Lecturer says "those are things like" (here we go....) "Karawila, Pathola, Wattakka....Agricultural stuff" Phew !! Few minutes go by. He says, "We have to change.... who says ?? Darwin !! The Mosquito changes, so must we.." again!!

He seem to be saying this every day and there are no signs of stopping. Terrible example for change. Would have been OK if the change is automatic. Problem is we have to kill ourselves to bring about the change. Well, here goes, another character. God only knows what sort of characters I might meet in the future !!


Venus-Metamorphosed said...

weird characters make life intersting. would be no fun if everyone was 'normal' and sensible :D

anyway I'd prefer a lecture on pathola over one on economics anyday! totally sucked at it in school..biologist brain i suppose..

dogfight said...

true !! world gets wierder by the day. anyway lets cut it out abt Biology....
problem nation !!